( once again , use DARK MODE for an enjoyable experience . )
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" UHM , GUYS , YOU MIGHT WANNA LOOK AT THIS ! " eyebrows almost meeting each other from her confused look . a boy ? in an iceberg ? is he even alive ?
" what's wrong [ name ] ? also what's with that look on your face , you know what gran gran says , you'll get wrinkles from looking like that ! " chuckled sokka .
rolling her eyes , the girl pointed her finger towards the iceberg . " look at it , dumb dumb . "
" yes [ name ] . that's an iceberg . " he pointed at his sister . " that's katara . " his finger moved from her to himself . " this is me , and - " with a final movement of his hand he pointed towards the other girl . " that's you . "
" no , ice brain . there ' s a - "
a gasp . katara ' s gasp .
" he's alive ! we have to help . " said the waterbender as she snatched her brother ' s weapon and started running towards the iceberg whilst hopping on small pieces of ice .
" katara ! get back here ! we don't know what that thing is . " yelled the boy following his sister .
" yes we do , sokka ! it's a boy ! that's what i've been trying to show you ! " groaned [ name ] , running after the two .
moans erupted from katara as she hit the iceberg numerous times until suddenly it broke . air came at them with force , making the kids hold one another .
a beam of light came from the iceberg . all animals were awoken by it , roaring but of course , animals weren't the only thing who saw the beam .
a ship . a fire nation ship . they too saw it , or shall i say , the person after the avatar saw it . " finally . uncle , do you realize what this means ? "
ZUKO . son of FIRELORD OZAI and FIRE LADY URSA , prince of the fire nation. burned and banished three years prior by his father , saw it . this is it . by his father ' s words , if he caught the avatar , his return home was more than welcomed .
" i won't get to finish my game ? " asked the old man behind him .
IROH . ozai ' s brother and zuko ' s uncle . he was a wise old man , although his life was not an easy one , he never let it affect him or at least he didn't show it .
" it means my search is about to come to an end . " informed the prince only to be greeted by a groan . " that light came from an incredibly powerful source . it has to be him . "