|Chapter 17|

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Devilynn Faith's POV

Once the hour break was over I was sitting outside on the porch swing as the back door opened and out came Remi.

I looked at my watch.

"Nice to see you made it on time." I said.

I motioned for her to follow and we walked over to the middle of the yard.

"You better stretch good." I said.

She let out a loud breath before beginning to stretch.

I stood there with my arms crossed and watched her intently.

"Okay I want 50 alternating push up planks." I said once she finished stretching.

As she was doing that I grabbed a chair and set it in the spot I was standing at and I sat down and watched her.

After that I had her do 50 diamond push ups, 50 one arm side pushups, 100 jumping jacks, 80 crunches, 100 squats, 40 lunges per leg, 30 russian twists, 30 calf raises, 60 scissors, 50 high knees, Four 2 minute planks with 15 second breaks in between and 30 burpees.

She had a 10 second water break every 2 exercises.

Once that was done it was about 6am.

She stood with her arms on her head as she took deep breaths in and deep breaths out.

"I want 10 laps around the entire yard." I said, and our yard was the size of about 6 football fields.

She let a noise of pain, not physical pain but pain. "Can I have a longer break?"

"Sure.. After you finish." I said.

Her arms dropped.

"You only get 5 walking passes." I said.

She let out a loud breath before starting.

It took her approximately 30 minutes to finish and once she was done she collapsed by my feet.

I handed her a water bottle.

Her outfit was completely damp with sweat as it was about 97 degrees out, not a cloud in sight.

I grabbed and ice cold water bottle and poured it on her and she closed her eyes as she laid there catching her breath.

"So what'd we learn?" I asked.

"Never miss a meeting and never be late." She said.

"And..?" I questioned.


"Always put in 100% effort, earlier in the training room when we fought, as I said, it was pathetic." I said.

She nodded.

"You understand?"

"Yes boss."

"Now go shower you smell like ass." I said smirking.

She chuckled as she got up.

"So do you." She retorted.

I sniffed myself and scrunched up my nose in disgust.

We walked back in and got in the elevator when it reached our floor we stepped out and headed to our rooms.

When I entered my room I grabbed my robe and shower basket and headed into my bathroom.

Once I entered I put the basket on the the toilet and hung my robe up on one of the hooks on my door.

I turned on the water and put the plug in.

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