Chapter 9

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(Bailey's POV)

I woke up ready for Odd to come here with Kiwi again.

I was about to go to sleep, when I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see Odd.

"Kiwi won't stop whimpering. I tried calming him down, but nothing worked." Odd said worried about Kiwi.

"Hey, Odd. You can bring Kiwi to my room everyday if that will calm him down." I told him not minding Kiwi playing with Scooby.

"Thanks. I'll tell Kiwi. See you tomorrow Bailey." Odd said.

"You're welcome. See you tomorrow Odd." I said before Odd left.
~Flashback Ends~

I just can't believe that Kiwi was whimpering last night. Maybe Kiwi really likes Scooby. Now that I think about it, Scooby was also whimpering last night. Maybe Scooby and Kiwi like each other a lot.

"Hey Bailey. What are you thinking about?" Odd asked me.

"Last night when you left, Scooby started whimpering. I'm starting to think that Scooby and Kiwi like each other a lot." I told him.

"Really? I've never seen Kiwi in love with another dog." Odd said.

"Yeah. I've also never seen Scooby in love with another dog." I told him. We both started to think about our dogs being in love with each other when I got a text message from Madison.

Madison: Hey Bailey. How's you and Odd? You two going out yet?

Me: Hey Madison. Good. No we haven't. Something's weird though.

Madison: What is it? Can you send me a pic of Odd?

Me: Odd has a dog named Kiwi, and I think that Scooby has fallen in love with Kiwi. Sure I can send you a pic of Odd.

Madison: REALLY?! Thanks. When did Scooby and Kiwi fall in love?

Me: Yeah. You're welcome. Last night. When Odd left my room, Scooby started whimpering.
I sent her a pic of Odd.

Madison: Really? Wow. Woe, you two should go out. Do you know if he feels the same way?

Me: Yeah. Thanks. He does.

Madison: You're welcome. How do you know?

Me: Odd and another one of my friends where arguing, and when Odd said that he loves me, I ran to my room.

Madison: Wow. Who's this other friend of yours? Why'd you run to your room?

Me: Ulrich. I didn't know what to think, I was scared that night.

Madison: Can you send me a pic of Ulrich?

Me: Sure.
I sent her a pic of Ulrich.

Madison: Woe. He's Ulrich?

Me: Yeah. Why?

Madison: No reason. Can we get back to talking about Scooby and Kiwi?

Me: Sure.

Madison: How are Scooby and Kiwi gonna see each other again anyway?

Me: I told Odd that he can bring Kiwi to my room everyday if he wants.

Madison: Ok. I've got to go. Bye Bailey.

Me: Bye Madison.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and told Odd what Madison said.

"She really thinks that we should go out?" Odd asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

We were both blushing. It was silent for a while.

"Let's go get some fresh air." I said breaking the silence.

"Um... Y-yeah. W-we should." Odd stammered. I giggled since I've never heard Odd stammer before. Odd started blushing again. We ran outside. I started walking to the forest, and Odd started following me.

"Here's some peace and quiet." I said.

"Yeah. We needed some peace and quiet." Odd said.

We were in silence again. Odd and I were blushing like crazy again. Odd broke the silence.

"Um... Bailey?" Odd asked.

"Yes Odd." I said.

"Um... do you... um... want to be my... um... my girlfriend?" Odd asked me. I looked at him in surprise.

"Yes I would Odd." I finally said.

"Really?" Odd asked with a smile.

"Yes." I said also smiling.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Madison was texting me.

Madison: I've been trying to call you. What have you been doing?

Me: Hanging out with Odd. Guess what?

Madison: What?


Madison: WHAT?! HE DID?

Me: Yeah.

Madison: What did you say?

Me: I said 'yes'.

Madison: So you have a boyfriend now?

Me: Yeah.

Madison: That's wonderful. Well I've got to go. My parents are calling for me. Bye Bailey.

Me: Bye Madison.

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