6: Hey mom, hey dad, when did this end?

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Molly's P.O.V

We finally reach Cal's house. At this point, I'm ready to crack open a beer.

These last few days have been hectic and stressful. However, I made it and that's all that matters.

Once we all get into the garage, the first thing we do is we all plop on the couches and let out a sigh.

"Damn, it's been a minute since I've been in here." I say.

"Huh, it has, hasn't it." Cal says.

"Guys, we may need a grocery trip." Luke says.

"Why is that the first thing you say as soon as we get on the couch?" I say annoyingly.

"Just saying it just to annoy you." Luke says and I do the usual. Throw the pillow. Damn, that's fun to do.

"How about we have ourselves a game night? There's a ton of board games in here, so, why not we have some fun." Cal says.

"But then we have to make that trip to the store." Michael, Ashton, and I say.

"Do you wanna have fun or not?" Cal says.

"Give us a few minutes." I say and we all end up falling asleep.

In our defense, it's been a long day for us all.

*A couple hours later*

So, it was about 6 something. The sun had set and I was the only one up.

So I decided to go walk around for a bit.

I headed upstairs to the living room.

It was the exact same before I stormed out of here 4-ish years ago.

The pictures in the frames in their aesthetic setting.

The rooms do look more in this aesthetic vibe. The living room has got a nice calm tone while the kitchen has a very vibrant pop to it.

It feels good after not being here for so many years.

I guess I owe Lyss. Her spirits kinda made this happen.

I feel like the 5-year-old when I'd come over to play after school in the backyard. Then the 11-year-old when we'd do the dumbest shit ever like science experiments that left marks on the table. Then the 14-year-old who came to hang out to just chill and get work done, and then the 17-year-old who hung around the garage with the guys when 5SOS came to be. Now I'm the 21-year-old where I haven't been here since I stormed off after defending my childhood friend about his future career.

So, I headed up to the room where I'd be in when we were in our middle school days.

Once I went in, it was like it never changed.

The poster of his favorite soccer player still above his bed frame.

The dresser which sat all of his trophies from his soccer league. But the most important part, there were 2 frames.

One was with him and the guys from probably when they first started with Ash. God, they were so young. Then the second frame was us two. The last photo we took before we both went our own ways.

It's crazy to think that much time has passed and yet here we are.

Calum's P.O.V

It was around 6 something and Molls wasn't here.

The others were still asleep, so I headed upstairs to get something. I went into the fridge and looks like Luke was right. We really do need to do that grocery trip.

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