13: Best duo in LA since Kobe-Shaq

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April 2016

Molly's P.O.V

So, we wake up in London England. Home to one of the biggest boybands in the music industry.

We performed in a couple more cities in England and now we have made it to our biggest city yet.

Preforming just feels exhilarating to me. If this can become a new norm, I honestly would be down for that.

So, since we is in London, it also happens to be a show night, but we're bored.

So we all got ready and were about to act like tourists and go around London.

It may be hard to, but the question is, will it be worth it?

If I can have some sort of fun before a show tonight, then yes, yes it is worth it.

Me being the fast one out, I just sat out in the balcony to enjoy the fresh air.

How is it that guys like them take a long ass time as if they were teenage girls heading to a party.

The math and logic don't make sense.

So, I decided to give the guys a little scare. So I told one of our security guards, Dave, that I'd be on the bus. But I told him not to tell the guys. He agrees with me and then I head downstairs.

They'll learn their lesson about what happens when they try to take too long.

During this tour, they have been protective of me basically anywhere we go. We would usually have to deal with paps, and so since the first time for me at the airport, they have this protective side of them.

So, once I get into the bus, the first thing I do is just scream in excitement, just cause.

It's like one of those feelings when you wanna scream just cause. It feels good.

Then you put on some songs from the Vamps cause who doesn't want some Oh Cecilia in the early morning.

However, the energy I had died down after a few songs, and I did the usual.

I climbed into my bunk and then slept.

Calum's P.O.V

So, we have a show today in London, but we decided to be tourists in the morning, and then we have this photoshoot today, and then we have the show. There's a quick soundcheck in between, but that ain't important.

Another thing with this photoshoot is that they wanted both 5SOS and Molls. Like, Molls already is a model, her insta pics say so.

It's about 10 something and I just finished getting ready. Molls got up pretty early and she's probably doing the usual thing and hanging around in the balcony.

That's been our thing since the tour. She and I would be outside in the balcony while Michael gets ready, and we'd just talk. We'd talk about the dumbest things.

Yesterday, we were debating if eggs with ketchup is a good combination.

She's for it while I was against it.

Okay, potatoes with ketchup, now I've seen that before. Like, what weirdo puts ketchup with eggs. If Molls actually does that, and she makes me try it.....send help.

I grab my phone and go out to the balcony. One thing though, I don't see Molls.

So I head back into the room to see if I'm blind.

I guess I wasn't. Where is she?

Michael comes out so I ask him.

"Mike, did you see Molls?" I say.

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