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It was the day that i've been waiting for ever since i met her way back in college. She was this tall chinita girl from Davao that dream on making it big from her dream school. And who would have thought that i'll get lucky to know her and eventually fall for her.

Our journey as friends was smooth sailing she's a little bit grumpy yes but she's one of a kind she dont care about what others will say and do what she knows is right. Being in a relationship with her made me believe that true love does exist because i can't see my future without her by my side.

" Hey? You ready for this?" Deanna my co-doctor slash wingwoman

" I was born ready for this Deans, is everything set at the seaside?" I ask feeling a little bit nervous as time ticks

" Yes, The organizers made sure that everything is set all it needs now is the both of you."

" Alright then, let's do this."

Deanna and i walk to the venue and waited for the ceremony to happen i was standing near at the altar and minutes later our wedding song play.

I was wearing my black wedding gown since the theme is black and white my side of the family also wears black and her side of the family obviously wears white. Our family didnt like the idea of same sex marriage well more like her dad to be exact, her Dad was furious when he first learn that her eldest daughter like another girl, he was at that certain point wherein he wanted to disown her but we proved him wrong and eventually he accepts us.

few seconds later there she is, the girl that never fail to make my heart beat go crazy. The girl that i would wake up with every morning. The one that is worth every pain and every risk.

" Hi..."

" Hi"

i was smiling like a fool and i know that her dad thinks im crazy already.

" This is it, Beatriz. My daughter is yours now. I dont want to see her cry in so much misery, she maybe your wife moving forward, but always remember that i am still her father okay?"

" Yes Tito, rest assured that ill take care of her always. And i wanted to say thank you for letting me have her hand in marriage"

"Call me Papa from now on, Alright?"

" Okay, Papa"

I took her hand and we made our way in front of the pastor that would officiate our marriage.

" Marriage is perhaps the greatest and most challenging adventure of human relationships. A ceremony does not create a marriage; Bea and Maddie, only you can do that. Through your love and patience; through dedication and perseverance; through talking and listening, supporting and believing in each other; through tenderness and laughter; through learning to forgive and to appreciate your differences, by learning to make the important things matter, and to let go of the rest. This ceremony is a witness to your love and desire to become one in marriage; and your family and friends are here to affirm the choice you are making to stand together as partners for life." The pastor started his opening remarks

" Today is a celebration of love, of commitment, of friendship, of family, and of two people who are in it together forever. You don't have to have a ceremony to have a marriage, and when you think about it, the whole thing is a little strange, right? You're standing up here looking beautiful and stunning while being stared at by pretty much everyone who has meant anything to you up to this moment in life.

So why do we do it? We have thousands of important moments throughout our lives, but this one is regarded as one of those moment that is very special, we acknowledge its status by sharing it with others. So, why this moment? Because despite all of our differences, love is what we all share. No matter who we are, where we've come from, what we believe, we know this one thing: love is what we're doing right. That's why you both are standing here today and that's why all of your family and friends are here, to see love on display.

Today is a time to pause, look back, and smile at all the memories that brought you here, as well as a time to look ahead at all the moments that are still to come. We're here to hope with you, to support you, to be proud of you, and to remind you that love is the experience you will create together. Love is the journey, not the destination. Words often fail us when we try to explain love, but that's just the way it is with love — it's meant to be felt, not described. We all know love when we see it, and we see it here today."

" Bea you may now say your vows to Maddie"

" Mads, I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take each step along the way, I have seen the best and worst of you and I choose both always.
I feel like my life has led me to you. My choices, my heartbreaks, my regrets, everything. And when we're together, my past seems worth it. Because if I had done one thing differently i might have not met you. I always thought it would be hard to find someone who will love me even when it seems i'm always scattered in a thousand pieces; it's like trying to complete a puzzle when you don't even know if you have the right pieces, but then you showed me that every piece doesn't have to be in place to create something beautiful. That love can exist in the most imperfect, lost, and broken people and I will promise you that our love will be just as beautiful, if we're in a thousand pieces or one. I have found you, the one that my soul loves. I pinkie promise to always choose you. On days that I love and like you and on days that I love and dislike you. I pinkie promise to always try my hardest for our relationship, to let you lead us while you are being led by God. I pinkie promise to take your fries, to take food off your plate when you're not looking, to share my food with you grudgingly. I pinkie promise to love you with all of my heart and to cherish you more than I cherish my pizza. Today my happily ever after is right in front of me. I won't say I do, instead I choose to say, "I pinkie promise" , because everyone knows you can't break a pinkie promise right?. I love you To infinity and beyond"

As i was saying my vows i can clearly see that Maddie's crying inside her veil and with that i know for a fact that this one is it. She'll be with me for the rest of my life and I won't ever complain about it.

" Maddie you may say your vows to Bea"

" I stand before you, Bei, and I think about our adventure. How amazing it is that you would end up in my arms and I in yours. That you chose me out of anyone, that we embarked on this journey together... that you're standing here with me. You loved me despite my faults and mistakes. You make me better. I am so incredibly in love with you. I promise you this: That I will never not love you. No matter the fight, or what I say or do... I am head over heels, butterflies in my stomach, gentle smiles as I think about you, involuntary blushes and feeling safe in your arms in love with you. You're my best friend. As a young girl, I thought I knew what love was when I found myself with a crush on a boy. I know now that I couldn't have been more wrong, and that I love you more than I have ever loved anything. I promise to be here to listen. I promise to always be here for you, and cry with you, and fight for you when you cannot. I promise to keep searching for you, studying you, praying for you, to keep learning more and more about you. I promise to be a team player. I promise to be present. When you're up late at night unable to sleep, I'll be sure to lay awake with you so you won't be alone. I promise to add to the adventure. I couldn't be more blessed. I am in awe that God looked at me and said, "I know exactly who to give to you." and I received you. In all circumstances, I promise my love to you and you alone. I love you too. To infinity and beyond "

" Before i pronounce you two i just wanted to say a quote that i had read last night "A great relationship doesn't happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end."

" For the last 6 years, you called each other girlfriends. 18 months ago, you had to adjust to the strange new word fiancé. Today, your terms for each other are changing once again- and this time for good. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as partners in life!"

I look at Maddie as my wife for the very first time as i took her veil up she was crying but also smiling i slowly close the gap between us and seal the deal we both heard the wild cheer from the crowd and i'm happy to finally call her as my Wife.

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