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I know I've said this so much already but I cannot believe what is happening to me! The Troye Sivan is coming to my holiday villa today! And he is MY boyfriend. I am actually falling in love for the first time- my god it feels good! Troye will be here in 30 minutes and I need to get ready. I put a black bikini on and tie my hair up in a high bun and put on some waterproof mascara.


Troye is walking up my driveway with no top on! TROYE IS WALKING UP MY DRIVEWAY WITH NO TOP ON!


What? A girl can't fan girl? About we boyfriend?! I guess not, oops!

I walk downstairs, he looks at me and speaks.
"Woah, you look good in a bikini Molly!" I smile and hug him. He keeps one arm on me and picks me up and shoves me over his shoulder. I scream!
"Troye what are you doing?!?!" I shout.

The next thing I know, I am in the pool and so is he. He takes my hands as we rise to the surface.
"Had to do that," he says and I splash him really hard.
"I had to do that!" I said. He picks me up while we are still in the water and swims around with me in his arms, bridal style. I make an angry face and he taps me on the nose.
"Smile, you're beautiful!" He says and dunks me under the water. I try to do the same.
"TROYE!" I scream as he dunks me again, "It's not fair, you're really strong and I'm really weak."
"I'm sure you're strong too some people."
"Yeah, like my friend Jaz, she's really weak, I can pull her up from the floor." I whimper, "In Plymouth I walk around town with her on my back." I say, it's kinda weird that even though I'm here and Troye Sivan is picking me up and carrying me around, I still miss Jaz. I miss her a lot. She would be so angry if I told her about me and Troye. She'd be angry that I didn't tell her straight away.

"Hey, let's play a game!" he says. I smile again, I can't stop smiling. "We have to go underwater and one of us says something and the other person has to guess what they had said." I laugh. "Then, when we go up to the surface, the person who listened needs to tell the person who spoke what they thought had been said." I laugh again.
"Troye that was the crappiest description I have ever heard but yeah I understand, let's go, do you wanna speak or listen?"
"Molly, I'm speaking okay!"

We go under the water and he says three simple words.


I go up to the surface and say the words.
"I love you!" I say and he gives me a really cocky smile.
"Molly, don't you think that it's slightly earlier in our relationship to be using those words." I try to moan at him and explain that that's the rules of the game.

But by then he had put his hands on my cheeks and pulled me close to him. Our foreheads touched and suddenly it felt like it was just me and him on the earth.

Then it happened. He kissed me. TROYE SIVAN KISSED ME! It was a slow passionate and delicate kiss at first, but then it got more intense. My first ever kiss could not have happened with a better guy; or at a better time!

Still kissing me, Troye pulled me underwater and we looked into each other's eyes. But of course, something had to spoil the moment and we felt someone jump on us. Jack had jumped into the pool and jumped on us.

Troye drifted up to the surface and put my brother in a headlock. They had a fight thing in the water and I think Troye was surprised at how strong my 12 year old brother is.

For the next hour we all played around in the pool. Me sunbathing on the rubber ring, Troye and Jack playing some ball game they'd both invented. Every so often, Troye would come over and tickle my belly and then kiss me.


At about 2pm, mum called us all in to have some lunch, she'd made a chicken salad. Troye took one bite and said,
"Thank you very much, Jackie, for this."
My mum was very pleased, "oh that's nothing Troye, we are very glad you could come today!"
"I'm glad too!", underneath the table, Troye grabbed my hand.

As we were walking outside, Troye pushed me down onto a lilo.

He kissed me, and it was the best kiss we'd had so far, the sparks that were flying between us were on point. I felt like the luckiest girl.
"I talked to your parents," he said, "and asked them if I could take you to my house and then drop you back later. They said yes!" He kissed me again and I went up to get changed.

My feelings were everywhere and I had to call Jaz!


During the phone call I explained to Jaz everything that'd happened. She ended the phone call with a very funny remark.
"You know Molly, it's nice to have someone else who is dating someone, it's not just always about Izzy!" We both laughed and she put the phone down.



I will post the evening at Troyes tomorrow! The unexpected person will happen at Troyes house!

Do you guys want me to do more in Troyes point of view, comment in the comments then!

Vote for my story and tell your friends! I hope you are enjoying the story!

Yours, JazTClarke

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