Chapter Thirteen

8K 395 789

A/N: We're almost to 3K! Thank you so much! ^^ Also, I love Faster's I'm a PingSpoofer remix :)


One day later

Skeppy couldn't sleep after the fight. He just stared out the window, hugging his pillow.

If only he could...


A6d! Maybe he'll help me!

Skeppy rolled off the bed and crawls to his gaming chair then sits on it.

He opened his computer and his Twitter. Skeppy taps on a6d's profile and goes to their DMs.

------------------- July 31 2020 -----------------

                              ok you can join now


------------------ August 5 2020 --------------

get on ts rn

Skeppy waited for a reply and then opens his TeamSpeak.

His stomach grows.

"Oh me hungry." Skeppy says to himself and then exits his room to get some food.

Timeskip brought to you by Rocco

When Skeppy returned, with some breakfast takeout, he saw that a6d has replied few minutes ago.

---------------- August 5 2020 -------------

get on ts rn

ok sure

did something happen between you and bad?

Skeppy didn't bother replying to that and sees a6d online in TeamSpeak.

His eyebrows raise when he noticed he was being moved to a6d's private

You were moved.

"Oh! Skeppy, what's up?" a6d asks in his usual thick french accent.

"a6d, did you see Dream's latest manhunt video?" Skeppy asks, in a serious tone.

"Uh huh, even your stream where you and Bad had a quarrel or something." a6d answers back.

Skeppy puts his hand on his forehead, "Oh yeah..I forgot about that.."

"Did the server got fixed?" a6d asks once more.

"Yeah, yeah. Okay, we're not here to talk about the server. It's about Bad." Skeppy explains as he claps his hands and opened his Minecraft to check on his server.

"Yeah, he's really been acting strange." a6d nods.

"DUDE!! More than that, he changed! He swears, knows how to be sarcastic and rude as hell! He also griefed my server last night." Skeppy exclaims as he logs into InvadedLands and sees the damage now gone.

"Oh wait, the server is already fixed. Anyways, have you been noticing Bad's new attitude lately?"

"I-, er, yeah. Not in person, techinically. I just heard him in the video and the stream. Everyone was really freaked out, you know..!" a6d answers as he opens his Minecraft and logs into InvadedLands as well then flies around the spawn.

"Okay, so uhm, last and Bad fought." Skeppy mutters into his mic, stopping his Minecraft character from moving.

"Oof, what did you guys fight about?" a6d asks, feeling a bit concerned despite being apathetic at times.

"Well, uh, it was about the trolls and everything. I went too far...I finally realized that I haven't been really treated Bad as a real friend. I mean, I consider him as a best friend and all but...I always use him for laughs and stuff, I..I don't know. He called me a hypocrite since I reacted the same way everytime I grief his server..." Skeppy explains, his voice getting small.

a6d hums, listening.

"I just...he's right, a6d! I've been a bad friend and I made him like this! If only, I could just do something about it..." Skeppy continues, as he puts his arms on his desk and buries his face into them.

a6d went silent for a moment, "Well, there is one way to do it."

"What?" Skeppy asks, burying his face more into his sleeve.

a6d smiles a little, "I'm pretty sure the words you Americans use is..'I'm sorry.'"

Skeppy looks up slowly, "I...I just hope he forgives me. For what's worth, I promise I won't grief his sever and troll him ever again. His reactions may be hilarious but I was too blind to notice what he could've felt at time."

a6d chuckles, "You love him, don't you?"


"YOU LOVE HIM!!!" a6d repeats, yelling into his mic.

"Agh!" Skeppy exclaims, "Jesus a6d!"

a6d laughs at his yelp. "Seriously, you love him though."

Skeppy pouts, "Blame the shippers. They infected me."

"Nah, it was realization and acceptance." a6d smiles. His ship is slowly turning into reality!

" know what, whatever. I just really need to get him in a call so I can apologize and talk things out." Skeppy says, fixing his hair and makes his Minecraft character do the parkour on spawn.

"Maybe do it later. He might need some time to calm down. You know how he is when he's angry." a6d replies, following what Skeppy is doing.

"Yeah..." Skeppy says back.

User has entered your channel.

"Oh hey, a6d! Saw you were online!" BadBoyHalo, or now known as, GoodBoyHalo greets.

Skeppy gasps, "B-Bad!"

"Oh no." a6d blurts out.

"Skeppy..?" GoodBoyHalo mutters.

"H-Hey..." Skeppy greets, nervously.


"I-no! See, this wasn't gonna be easy..! I was gonna apologize and talk things out but then he leaves immediately!" Skeppy exclaims, feeling hurt and discouraged.

Skeppy lets out some whines, "My gooood! a6d, make him come back again! I will try to talk things out!"

Skeppy was confused when a6d didn't reply.

"a6d, it's not funny. Okay, just try to drag him back here..! Then I-"

"Uhhh...Skeppy? I wasn't the one who left." GoodBoyHalo interrupted, feeling awkward.

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Jef and GoodBoyHalo (Youtuber AU Fanfic) (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now