warning, in case you missed that shit

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as i said in the description, this story is manxman. malexmale. gay as shit. this story actually isn't really that sexual tbh, more emotional. but, if you're not gay af like i am (not homosexual gay, but gay fm) then this isn't for you.

[DISCLAIMER: i wrote everything in here when i was 15—i'm 21 now, so it's been a long time—including this warning lol that's why it's so cringey. the only reason i haven't deleted this part is because i think the community people have found with each other in the inline comments is lovely and i don't want that to disappear.

ANYONE can read this story, lgbtqia+ or not—i wasn't trying to gatekeep. my original point was: just don't be homophobic, ableist, racist, xenophobic, or anything of the sort in my comments because i WILL delete it and i WILL block you. anyway, don't take this story too seriously, babes—it was written by a highschool sophomore testing out her writing skills, after all—and have fun. i love you! stay alive, strong, and safe!]

[[let me reiterate: I WROTE THIS STORY AT FIFTEEN. DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!! truly, it's not the best thing in the world and it's actually in the bottom tier of things i've written. i'm about to graduate college now, if that helps put things in perspective for you. i only keep this story up bc i'm fond of it and people still enjoy it, but one day soon i'm going to take it down since i'll be pursuing a serious career in fiction writing.

i'm not saying you can't have criticisms of this story, but i'm saying it was written by a child in 2015 and i have zero plans to rewrite this story so it's a bit like talking into the void. just use this as a time passer until it's gone or don't read it lol]]

also, this has a lot of swearing. like, the every sentence kind. this is not because im a swearaholic (i can be sometimes though whoops), it's because that's just how the main character is. he can also be mildly violent, rude, and vulgar. if you can't stomach people like that, then, again, this isn't for you.

also, please, please read the tags if you think you might need any trigger warnings. i wholly and truly never want to trigger anyone and put them in any kind of bad mental place. i don't want to spoil the book for those who won't need it, but if you do i greatly advise you to do that, for your sake more than mine. i care about all my readers and even those who aren't my readers, and i want you all to be happy and have good things. stay healthy and happy, and most importantly stay strong ❤.

that being said: enjoy, vote, and comment bc as much as i love silent readers, feedbacks amazing af

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