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When I woke up, it all hit me like a fucking bullet. Well, not right away. I was too distracted by the fact that I opened my eyes to see Harley fucking watching me.

I nearly jumped out of my skin. “What the fuck?” I rasped out, my voice cracking from sleep.

The shit smiled. Smiled. “Hey.”

“I wake up to you pulling a fucking Edward Cullen on me and all you say is hey?

“I wouldn’t have expected you to know Twilight,” he mused. He was laid on his side, his head rested on his palm. My arm was pressed against his chest, but I didn’t notice that yet.

“I have a little sister who was fucking obsessed with the books.”

I remember her words even now. “It’s all about the books, Reed. Never the movies. Those are a disgrace.”

“You have a sister?” His tone was surprised.

His surprise surprised me. Didn’t I tell him about her? Then I remembered, no. I fucking didn’t, because I didn’t tell Harley about my fucking family. Why? Because of Xavier.

And that’s when it hit me.

I freaked the fuck out. “Shit!” I exclaimed, scrambling out of the bed and just away from fucking Harley.

“Reed?” My head snapped towards him and I took him in. My brown sheets pooled around his waist as he started to sit up, his fucking naked chest displayed for the whole world to see.

Naked. He’s naked.

“Don’t,” I seethed as he reached for me in confusion.

He’s naked. In my bed. Harley’s fucking naked in my fucking bed.

His face transformed from confusion to understanding and I realized he could see. He could fucking see my thought process like it was written in the air around us with those stupid, studying eyes of his.

“Reed,” he said more firmly and he started to get out of the bed, revealing everything. I backed away from him as soon as I saw everything.

I had a man in my bed. I had a naked man in my bed.

I didn’t even realize my breaths were getting faster until Harley said, “Reed, calm down. Don’t panic.”

I was hyperventilating.







I couldn’t fucking breathe.

I needed to get out. Get away from the naked son of a bastard in my bedroom and somewhere far, far away.

But, of fucking course, he saw through me before I could do anything. His hands clamped on my bare shoulders (making me vaguely realize I was naked, too) and held on tight. I fucking screamed. I fought him. Harder than I’d ever fought him before. I hit him anywhere I could reach, hoping to fucking break any part of him if I could.

He hissed when my fist connected with his jaw and loosened his grip on me, giving me the chance to flee. I fled as far as the living room before he was right behind me.


“Stay the hell away from me!” I screeched. I could feel the panic rising deep within the hole in my heart like lava waiting to erupt. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I didn’t know where to go. Everywhere I went, Harley followed and I couldn’t see enough to free myself from him.

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