Chapter Seven

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I walked into the school with my head down.I'd been up all night trying to hide the bruise but nothing worked.I walked up to my locker to find a note taped to it.

Dear Blaze,Meet me outside under te bleacers before class,Love Echo.

I folded the note,with a smile on my face.I was walking to the back door to go out back when I bumpped into someone.I looked up and that someone happened to be Josh. "Did,I do that."He said in a sarcastic tone.I looked down at my feet,I went to go around him and his freinds but he grabbed me,holding me back. "Were do you think your going."

Before i could think what I was doing I said this "Some were,were you aren't becasue your an asshole."I said ripping my arm away from him and running out the door.I ran all the way to the bleacers knowing that Echo was there.

When I got there,I was all out of breath. "Blaze,whats wrong."Echo sid wrapping his arms around me.

"I-I pissed Josh off."I said.Just then Josh came running over.

"You little bitch,you never talk to me like that."He yelled taking me by my hair from Echo and punching me in the face.He punced me reapidly,well his freinds held back Echo.I was on the ground now coughing up blood.I tried to get away and saw that Echo had his phone on speaker with his dad,before Josh grabbed me hair getting ready to bash my face on the ground when someone grabbed him and his freinds,Echo came running to me.

"Oh my god,Blaze."He grabbing me and holding me in his arms.After the boys were done yelling at josh,they ran over to us.I was holding onto Echo's shirt,crying.

"Come on Echo,we need to get her to the hospital."Kellin said. Echo picked me up bridal style.We ran through the school,everyone looking at us.Kellin let Gabe drive his car with the boys so he could drive Echo's car,with me and him in the back.

He had my head on his lap,rubbing my hair.My eyes were starting to close. "No,Blaze please keep your eyes open."He said "Come on,Blaze please,don't do this."We pulled up to the hospital doors,Echo carried me in. "You gotta help me,she's hurt really bad and her eyes are starting to close."

Some one came running over with a gurney,laying me on it. Echo tried to come with me,but they would let him.They rolled me away with Kellin and Gabe holding Back Echo and me saying his name.


Echo's POV

I sat in the waiting room with my dad and everyone else,mom and Drake showed up about ten minutes ago.We didn't bother calling her dad,not that he would care. The doctor came out and I stood up right away. "I'm looking for some of the name Echo Quinn."

"That would be me."I said rasing my hand.He motioned for me to follow him.We came to a stop at room,104. "Now before we go in.I want tp ask you what happened.We found brusies that look older then others."

I toke a deep breath. "Me and Blaze have known each,for only a couple days,but I know that her father beats her and she gets beat by the school bully Josh.Now can I go in and see her."He nodded his head and I walked in. "Blaze"I said She turned her head and looked at me.Her face had cuts and bruises,and she was crying."Blaze,it's going to be alright."I said walking over to the bed and hugging her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck.When we pulled away,she moved over and I sat next to her on the bed.She put her head on my chest,and I put my arm around her. "Echo,did you tell them anything?"

"The only thing I said was your father beats you and the school bully is a dick."And as I finneshed saying that my dad walked in.

"I told then everything and I'm gonna try to get custody over you."He said.Blaze looked up stunned.


"Blaze,I'm gonna get you out of that shit hole,and your gonna be safe and happy for once."Kellin said walking over to us and giving Blaze a hug.She wrapped her arms around him so hard I thought that they were going to fall off.

"Thank you,Thank you so much."She said letting go and hugging me.

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