Chapter 15

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I woke up in darkness. Everywhere I looked I saw complete... well, nothing. I have absolutely no memory of how I got here, so I also have no knowledge of where I am. The last thing I remember is being thrown into the trunk of Danny's car.

God not now.

My mind of course goes straight to the love of my life.


I missed him. I needed him here with me right now.

If I am going to survive this then I need to stay strong and stop worrying about every little issue.

"Hey Sexy" An unsettling voice says. The tall male figure stood in front of me, clearly towering over top of me. I shivered as his figure grew closer and more visible. Danny ambled towards the cold wooden floor I was laying on.

"Please just let me go. Danny, you can have anything you want." I anxiously expressed. He had no concern for anyone else's feelings but his own.

"That just cannot happen." I could hear his smirk in between his demanding words. I don't want this to happen. Not like it happened to my mother.

If Mikah found out that Danny was doing this, it would kill him.

"What are you going to do to me?" I timidly asked. Honestly, a warning; a chance to prepare myself for what was to come, seemed decent considering the circumstances.

He snickered deviously and I bit my lip to prevent tears.

He bent down to my level and now I could see his face in the midst of the shadows. I could feel his stingy warm breath on my neck, chills ran up my spine and my neck hairs stood as his mouth caressed my neck. After a few moments without a pleasuring reaction out of me, his kissing became more of a sucking and biting war. I winced when he bit down lightly under my ear. I was shaking now and there was nothing I could do to stop him.

"Do you like how this feels?" He hissed at me.

I froze. Should I answer honestly?

"No. You are disgusting." Stupid me. I made a big mistake with my honest ass mouth.

"Slut!" His hand swung so fast and slammed into my cheek causing me to scream.

"How does that feel you selfish bitch?" He shouted. At this moment, I feared for my life. Not only mine, but my baby's as well.

Danny's large fist struck my eye socket and it felt like a bowling ball had just been dropped directly onto my face. I cried out in pain.

"You think you are so tough don't you?" He laughed to himself. Another strike in the face and a punch in my chest. The excruciating pain was almost numb enough to ignore on my face. Dear god, please don't let him hurt my baby.

His fist bashed into my rib cage and I swear I could feel some ribs break.

How do I escape? If I don't get out soon he will kill me and my baby.

I used all the strength I had left in me to push myself backwards and away from him. For a moment, I thought it could be over. A small glimmer of moonlight made it's way into the room through a small window. My throbbing chest was nearly the worst pain you could ever imagine. I now realized that I had stopped him from raping me. I don't know which would be worse, a vicious beating or rape?

"You know you got yourself into this mess." He groaned and slapped a whip in the air.

"No! Please Danny!" I sobbed. Danny ignored the suffering girl in front of him and cracked the whip down onto my stomach.

"Agh!" I crouched over to cover my stomach. He can hurt me but he cannot hurt my child.

"Whore!" His raspy voice chuckled. I wailed at Danny to show some mercy. I was a pregnant and although I wasn't innocent, I did not deserve this. Nobody deserves this. The whip cracked again, this time making my back bleed. The blood soaked my shirt.

He stalled for a few minutes; enough time to calm myself down. "Look...Danny...My father can pay you as much as you need..." I tried to negotiate.

"Wow Julie! You think this is about the money?" He cracked himself up. "You deserve to feel this pain. You walked into this town and you acted like you controlled the world. You're a stupid, worthless brat and because of this I am going to put an end to you. Once and for all. Then everyone will bow down to me and I will take back what I rightfully earned. I grew up with this town, you didn't! Nobody wants you here! You don't deserve to live! The only reason your mother killed herself was because she was ashamed of what a shame she brought into this world. You. Your father will soon enough rape you and all your slutty little friends. Hopefully he will molest your fucking child! You deserve to die Julie Hall! You can be with Mikah and your bitchy mommy!"

There was so much violence in his mind that had just verbally come out while attacking me. I shook harder and became weaker as he continued naming all of my flaws and blaming me for my mother's suicide. Maybe I really was a shame.

I belly was aching like crazy. The poor baby did nothing to anyone and he/she is being forced to take so much pain and suffering thanks to his/her mother.

It was my fault.

Everything was my fault.

"Go back to Alaska you whore!" No. No this wasn't. None of this is my fault. Suddenly, a wave of impossible strength swept over me.

"No. No Danny I will stay right here in Florida with my family. You cannot take my dignity away from me. You cannot make me feel the pain my mother did because I am not weak. I am strong. I don't deserve any of this. I deserve peace. Everyone deserves peace. You can beat me, rape me, and you can murder me but you can never, ever take away my soul. I am Julie Hall and no matter how hard you try, you cannot get rid of me."

His jaw clenched and he swung forcefully at my face but I ducked.

"That's it." He pulled out a huge kitchen knife from a bag a few feet behind him. Danny slowly came in my direction. He stabbed me in the shoulder. I screeched and somehow grabbed the knife out of his hand and stabbed him in the chest. He stopped in his tracks and fell to the floor. He was choking like crazy, and all I could do was run. That is what I did. I ran faster than I have ever ran in my life. Being 7 months pregnant, having a stab wound in my shoulder, and having just been beaten nearly to death, I could run fairly fast.

I kicked through the door and flew outside into the chilly air. I took a moment to catch my breath. A highway was vaguely in my sight. I sprinted down to the highway, not giving it any thought and I ran straight into the pathway of a truck. The bright lights stung my eyes and I held up my hands to block out the stinging glow of the truck's headlights.

The truck honked, bursting my eardrums and shaking me down to my knees as I sobbed. Luckily the truck was able to stop just in time. The man inside the truck was in complete shock, he jumped out of his truck and ran over to my aid.

"Oh my god, miss are you alright, did I hit you?" I couldn't respond. "Miss? You're bleeding, where in the name of god did you come from?" I still was unable to answer him. "Miss?" I mumbled words only a true listener could understand. In a quiet miserable voice I said, "I murdered Danny."

"Who is Danny?" Thank god the man could make out my words. By now more cars had stopped to see what all the commotion was about.

"A boy, he hurt me real bad. I- I need Mikah" I am not sure he could entirely make out what I was trying to say. But in response to me he yelled at the other drivers, "Somebody call 911! Now!" The man took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. He also tied his shirt around my shoulder to prevent extra blood loss. I was feeling dizzy and my vision was blurry. As soon as I began to doze off, I could hear overlapping sirens in the distance.

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