Chapter 1

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For Theresa

(A/N - The media attached is my personally designed front cover, haha, and back cover, I hope this story is decent! It means a lot! I have been writing this story since January 2014 and I worked my butt off to get it halfway done by this Christmas! Tell your friends, vote, and leave some comments!! Thank you so much!! BTW there is foul language and a not very graphic sex scene, if that is disturbing to you, I suggest you stop reading now. (: )

Unlike most foggy days in september, this day was different. Maybe it was the cinnamon scent in the breeze or the lemon almond taste of the air when you breathed it in. Something was just simply perfect today. I was laying down on the dry green grass humming my favorite song, "Ronan" by Taylor Swift, with my headphones in. This day couldnt possibly feel more peaceful. My mother, father, and I moved here from Alaska, we have spent hours unpacking and throwing out, donating and rearranging, our possesions we no longer wanted, or needed. My mother and I both loved music with a passion. Her voice was delicate and graceful when she sang. When I was just a little girl my mother would sing to me before I went to sleep. I miss those little moments, the moments i cannot re-live, I have already escaped my childhood. The neighborhood we moved into was a nice place, I would have preferred a more classic area but this will do. It was filled with large pretty houses, some with more than one garage. I bet this is considered a rich neighborhood.

Tomorrow is my first day at a new school, I am a senior and I will be attending Saint Matthew Academy. It is not far from where I live now. Maybe a 5 minute drive? My pet hamster is my only possesion that I cared to keep in the new house. His name is Reiki, In Alaska my best friend Bella, got him for me as a goodbye gift. I had always wanted a pet. I miss Bella so much, I wish she could have come with me. She would love it here in Florida, the sandy beaches, and cool breeze. She really would like it. "Juls!" My mother called from the front lawn. I couldnt hear due to my headphones blasting and my lack of cares in the world. She called for me once more and I shot upwards. "Yes Mom?" I smiled and she shrugged. "I was wondering where you were." I nodded. "I am right here Mom" I said sarcasticaly. "How are youliking it here Juls?" I sighed. "I miss Alaska, but it isnt bad here."

She smiled and walked back inside.

It is really different here. I love the warm, tropical climate and the summery feel. I laid my back down onto the grass and stared up at the sky. My eyes blinded by the sun, gazed the clouds that float in an abstract design.

My father woke me up this morning, to our suprise I was bright eyed and bushy tailed. I slipped on my leggings and Alaska sweatshirt, applied my light natural looking makeup, straightened my long blonde hair, and tossed a pastry in the toaster. I slid into my black high top converse, finished my pastry, and left for school. My father dropped me off in front. "Are you sure you dont need me to walk you in?" He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "Im fine dad!" I snap. "Sorry snappy" he sarcastically grunted. I turned and shut the car door, I stared towards the entrance, glancing around I spotted some familiar categories. The jocks with letter man jackets and cheerleaders in their pants, The prissy bitches with high heels and thumbs tapping away on their customized cellphones, The geeks with calculators in hand and glasses on their noses. I also spot something interesting, A group of different people. By different I mean unique. Their was a medium height girl with dyed red hair and a cute nose piercing. She stood up against the brick wall, on the side of the school, with a beanie and headphones in. She stood next to two boys, a black haired one and a dirty blonde. I took this oppertunity to make a few new friends.

"Hey!" She waved as she saw me heading her way, I think I noticed a bit of an accent.

"Hi, Whats your name?" I asked smiling.

"Willow" She ran over to the guys and tapped them. "Guys there is someone new here"

They smiled and shook my hand.

"I'm Julie"

"Maxwell, you can call me Max" The blonde one chuckled.

"Vince" the black haired muscular one bit his lip, intriguing almost.

"You can hang with us if you want?" Willow exclaimed. She was truly beautiful.

"Will, dont you wanna tell her about Mikah too?" Vince reminded.

"oh yeah, Mikah is my big brother, he is away with my father for a while in New York. He will be back on Friday" Willow explained.

"Us two," Willow pointed to Max. "Are sophomores. Mikah and Vince are seniors. Maxy is my boyfraand" Max came up and hugged her from behind. We wall began to walk inside the large preppy intented building. I began to see more groups of categorized teens. I just smiled and let my day fly by without trouble.

At home I dragged my bag upstairs and laid it on the floor of my bedroom. No homework obviously, first day.

"Hey sweetie" my mom grinned happily and leaned against the door frame with a laundry basket in hand.

"Hey" I sighed nicely.

"How was school."

"fine." By then she noticed I didnt really wanna talk so she carried the basket to her room across the hall and I turned on my laptop.

For about 5 hours I watched episode after episode of Lost. At 10:00 my dad got home from work, hes usually out this late, but I always wondered why. He is a back doctor, not a firefighter.

"Hey baby doll" my dad kissed my forehead. I was sitting at the bar eating a taco, I sighed. "Cheer up"

"I am." I smiled like a smart ass.

"Why are you always out so late?" My curious question caused him to stop whatever he was doing and look my way. "I have work to do baby doll"

For some reason, after many months of asking, I didnt believe him. "Tell me the truth." I demanded.

"What has gotten into you Julie?" He stood up.

"I know you are lying!" I yelled.

"Is everything alright?" My mom came down the stairs and stared at us in awe. "Yes. We were having a serious discussion Shannon. We are finished now, isnt that correct Julie?"

I looked at mom and back at dad. "Correct." I ran up to my room and slammed the door shut. Why is he lying to me? Of course I dont know that for sure but I just know he is. I laid down under the covers and soon fell asleep.

"Morning sunshine!" My dad plopped down on the edge of my bed. "What" I grunted. "No more discussion about the subject last night, you hear?" I looked into the hallway.


He smiled. "Good girl."

He left without a word. I waited til I could hear the crumbling of the driveway to get out of bed.

Something is seriously wrong here. My dad NEVER demands not to speak of ANYTHING. He is hiding something, maybe he has another job, or he is driving farther away than we thought. If it was one of those, why couldnt he tell me? We tell each other everything.

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