Season 1, Episode 1, Part 1

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(Y'all know the expositional intro so I will skip writing all that out)

"That's the past, what happens next?" king Harrow prodded. 
"bright idea, if you kindly shut your mouth you may be able to keep watching and find out your great royal majesty-ness." Rayla sarcastically replied. 
"MOVING SWIFTLY ONWARDS." I interjected before things could get messy.

Ezran and bait appear onscreen

"Dad! Dad, Callum look its me!" Ezran excitedly spoke whilst bouncing in his seat enderingly. Bait felt a little shaken up.

take that marshmallow monster! Callum said whilst drawing his one panel comic strip. before a thunderstorm scares Ezran from his sleep. 
"It's ok Ez, just a thunderstorm- go back to sleep."
"Bait was scared not me!"

A collective awww was heard from the humans in the theatre at the boys antics, whilst the elves refused to acknowledge the interaction as endearing. 

Cut to a scout patrolling, and hearing something odd. "declare yourself in the name of king harrow!" A thunderclap was heard and as lighting illuminated the sky for a brief moment a crew of moonshadow elves were seen. 

"Dad that's the mission we're going on in a few weeks time isn't it?"
"It would appear to be Rayla."
Viren jotted that piece of information down as a time to tighten security.

The Guard shot but missed Rayla before fleeing as Rayla herself gave chase.

"You shoot my little girl again and I will snap your kneecaps backwards!" the threat surprisingly didn't come from Runaan but from Ethari.
"Please, I'm not a kid anymore" Rayla grumbled. And glared at Callum when we stifled a laugh.

Rayla gave chase to the man and eventually disarmed him and got him on the ground. But there was a problem. The lightining struck again, only this time illuminating the fear in his eyes. Rayla lowered her dual swords and cast her eyes to the ground, leaving him to run away.

"WHAT WAS THAT? That should've been the easiest kill ever! Why would I let him go?!" 
"Rayla if he gets back to the castle with news of our presence then the mission is in danger!" thundered Runaan.
"Runaan! You can't yell at Rayla for something she hasn't done yet!"
All the while the human ratio of the room was staring in shock. An elf sparing one of them was unheard of, inconceivable! The guard himself was in the most shock and had no idea what to feel. Thankful that she spared him? Whoever heard of being thankful to an elf?

In the next scene The guard is practically banging Lord Virens door down. Viren quickly hides his percious mirror behind a large piece of cloth.
"Lord Viren I've seen something" it was important enough to get Viren worried enough to make his way to the king's quarters immediately.
"Lord Viren, uh...King Harrow hasn't risen yet." The statement was disregarded as Viren entered his chambers anyway and opened the curtains.
"Viren, didn't I tell you if you ever woke me up this early again, I'd have you executed?"

Both elves and humans gave a hearty laugh at that statement including Viren.

"I'll give you a moment" viren spoke sheepishly before going to stand out on the balcony.
"So, what's so important that you come into my bedroom risking your life like this?


"I see."

"A scout on patrol discovered them just before dawn."
"Well, don't look so grim we've fought off plenty of assassins."
"we believe that these ones are - moonshadow elves."
"how did the scout even escape?"

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