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The gang had safely travelled up to Beaver's Hollow, luckily there was no law patrolling the roads near Lakay so the journey was spent undisturbed by Pinkertons. Understandably Nora was nervous, believing that they could stumble into an ambush as it made little to no sense as to why Milton would not reinforce the roads around this area, especially after knowing the gang was still at large and active in these parts.

But it was probably through luck that they left at this time. Who knows what could have happened if they lingered around any longer.

Dutch made sure to Keep Nora and Lem riding by Pearsons wagon, there they would guard this part of the convey as well as keep watch at the very back. Perhaps it was because it was where the women and Jack were, them being the most defenseless gang members- or maybe Dutch just didn't want these two anywhere near him, especially given they were not members of this gang; rather they were more extra guns Dutch had hired through his charms.

"Momma, I'm scared." Nora could hear Jack whisper, frowing at the little voice from the small child. Abigail could only nod, patting her son's arm. "I know."

Nora, who had also been sitting in the back of the wagon with the other's on Lem's own request, looked out at the road. She noticed her friend trailing behind on Beanz, his facial expression easy to read- he felt as though he did not belong there, with the other's and yet here he was. Here they both was.

"D'you think we'll be alright, Nora? Seems an awful lot'a shootin' an' dyin' has happened around here." Mary-Beth asked, the tension breaking for a moment.

"I..." Nora froze, struggling for an answer. One that would not upset the other's. "Well, I honestly don't know. It's... none of this is lookin' good, I'm sorry."

"It ain't your fault- don't think it that way. We'll pull through, we alway's do an', we have you so it seems as though things could start pickin' up again."

Nora chuckled, thankful for Miss Gaskill's kind words of reassurance but not believing any if it.

"Seems as though things grew bad as soon as I showed up."

Now the other's got involved, Tilly, Karen and Abigail all telling Nora how she should not think that way; given how things had began to grow bad well before she began getting involved.

"If anything, Nora." Tilly began. "Well, thinks picked up soon after you began stayin'."

Grateful for the few friends she had, Nora gave them an appreciative smile. Looking away once again, eyes focused solely on the passing road.


They got to Beaver Hollow by afternoon. The sun still high and proud in the sky.

They waisted no time in getting unloaded, everyone taking their part in setting everything up in what space they had. Nora noticed how this spot was a lot less lively than before, the atmosphere shifted terribly now. Even though they hadn't even settled the camp was a lot more.. depressing, no longer lively or high spirited. But, she had noticed that long before.

"Miss Morgan." Dutch called, his steps long and powerful as he crossed the area to talk with the woman. She gulped, admittedly a little afraid as to what he could be bothering her over but she did not want him to notice this. Instead, she placed down a box that they used for a chair and greeted the leader with a smile.

"Mr Van Der Linde."

"Have you seen Arthur?"

She sighed, mostly through relief that this was about somebody else. "I'm afraid not... last I heard he was headin' to Annesburg, should be back soon."

A Life Of 'Shine - Lem FikeWhere stories live. Discover now