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Three days had passed since she left the camp, arriving in Lakay on an early tuesday morning. It used to he that she was greeted with smiles and cheers when she stepped into the grounds the Van Der Linde gang claimed, but now, with everything that had happened she couldn't blame the miserable expressions and the untrustworthy glance given too her.

"Nora." Susan greeted, her expression cruel. The authoritarian passed by, screaming at the girl's to get some work done. While Nora was hoping to talk with Karen and Mary-Beth she did not want for them to get into trouble with her distractions.

Rather; Nora chose too approach Charles instead. He had just finished hunting, as told by the deer carcass he held over his shoulder.

"Hello, Charles." She announced in greeting, her hands pressed together behind her back.

The man turned around, giving her a soft smile. Although he had feigned this happiness Nora could clearly see the worry and stress he so deeply tried hiding.

"Are you feeling? Despite the obvious of course." The pair had never really spoke to eachother before, aside from the occasion 'hello' they had passed, but that was the extent of their conversations which made this one exceedingly more awkward than it needed to be.

Charles let out a sigh, quieter than his usual self and for the first time Nora saw he had worn a different expression from the neutral one she had grown used too.

She crossed her arms and used the few stacked crates that had been left behind by Lakay's previous owners to lean against. Charles seemingly copying her posture to rest against an old railing, getting comfortable to talk with the female.

"I'm fine, Nora. With all that's gone on guess I have felt a little off; all those deaths as well- seems like this gang is falling apart. Kieran, Hosea and Lenny; none of 'em deserved it."

She raised an eyebrow, confused at the mention of Kieran's name. It wasn't until a moment later did she realise that most members of the gang only knew Kieran disappeared and had all assumed the worst- so saying he had died wasn't really that much of a surprise.

Nora briefly spared a glance behind her, looking at all the members of the gang behind here. She noticed how all their spirits were down at that was of no surprise either; in fact she could not help but spare a frown at the miserable expressions most wore.

"It came real shitty 'round here." She looked back; now realising her words. "N-No offense, I'm sure you've tried your hardest to keep 'em all safe."

"None taken; it's pretty obvious I'm afraid."

"You're doin' good lookin' after these lot, Charles."

He gave her a sad smile, waving her off as he returned to the very few chores he needed to do; while he walked away Nora watched the gentle sway of his hips- quickly shaking head away from those thoughts.

"The hell?" She whispered unsure as to why her mind and eyes wondered elsewhere. There was nothing else involved and so she shrugged it off, walking over to the porch area where Mary-Beth, Tilly and Karen had all been sat- needles and worn cloth in hand they had to be mending.

"Hey, Nora." Tilly called, pausing her work to adjust her posture and to talk with Nora as she stepped into place beside them.

"Hello, Tilly." She replied, hoisting herself up to sit on the old railing. She took a moment to balance herself, only moving her feet to dangle off of the edge once she was sure she would not fall backwards.

Karen hadn't looked up from her work but Mary-Beth had, a question in her eyes that Nora could see as clean as day; the other female did not need to speak for Nora was able to see how she was asking about Kieran. But with Tilly, the answer was impossible to give away.

A Life Of 'Shine - Lem FikeWhere stories live. Discover now