one; get into the groove

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The hall was filled with people, there was loud chatter about what individuals had been up to at the summer

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The hall was filled with people, there was loud chatter about what individuals had been up to at the summer. Many of the people were giggling or over exaggerating their words. Some of them were complaining about their time tables and the classes they'd just had.

The chatter soon died down to whispers. This is what usually happened when they walked through the halls.

The sound of a single pair of heels clicked against the grey floor, the pink shoes hitting the floor with such excellence that it was clear the owner had been wearing heels for years. The white trainers that moved in sync, however, didn't make any noise at all.

Both of the girls wore jeans, one a low waisted dark blue and one a black high waisted. Even though the girls were extremely close they had such different clothing styles.

Everyone in the hall way had their eyes trained on them, moving their pupils up and down the two teenagers bodies as fast as they could, but still making sure to take everything in.

It was clear Delilah George had gone for a girly vibe today, her pink heeled shoes matched her mainly light might jacket. The onlookers weren't sure if the brunette had a shirt on underneath her heart jacket, it wouldn't surprise them if she didn't.  Delilah's matching earring bounced around with her dark curls as she walked. It looked as though she had spent hours making sure she looked perfect for today. Not an eyebrow hair was out of place, her lips had been glossed to perfection and her eyelashes had been curled to look flawless.

Maya George has tried to her hardest to make sure she didn't look like her sister. Both of the girls quite liked the fact people viewed them as complete opposites. Maya looked at the faces around her through her dark lensed sun glasses, she couldn't help the smirk that fell on her lips as she saw the students looking at her. It brought her some type of joy to see these people paying so much attention to her when she had no idea who they were. The girl reached up and pushed her braided hair off her shoulder, the strands of that now falling in to sync with her sisters, just like her footsteps were.

The two girls pushed open the doors to the cafeteria, each of them pushing a separate door. As soon as they had walked in and knew all eyes were on them, they separated. The one in the pink top making her way over to a table filled with girls covered in makeup and boys with smug smiles on their faces. While the one in the white top made her way over to a table filled with girls wearing dark clothing like hers and boys covered in piercings.

"Who are they?" Isabella Swan had just started to accept the Cullen's beauty and aura. Now two others had walked in who completely captured everyone's attention, including the Cullens. Isabella couldn't help but wonder if she'd moved into a town full of models.

"The George's. The one sat over there with the stoners is Maya, she doesn't talk to anyone apart from them and her sister. Sometimes I don't even think she talks to them."

Jessica Stanley had been waiting for the sisters to walk in, they were one of her favourite things to talk about.

"Oh." Isabella didn't know what to say, she wasn't really one for gossip.

"Apparently she gets high all the time. Like all the time. That's why she's always wearing the sunglasses."  Jessica leaned across the table as she spoke, she was so invested in the topic of the George's.

"Do the teachers not tell her to take them off?" The new girl didn't care if Maya did get high all the time, it was none of her business.

"No. Tommy and Nia- their parents- have a lot of influence on the town. Tommy owns a lot of real estate, if you live in a house I can guarantee he sold you it, if you rent a house I can guarantee you rent it from him-"

"-He also coaches the school football team." Mike interrupted the gossiping girl, the latter shooting him a glare as he did so.

"Then Nia's the weather lady. It doesn't sound like much I know, but that's a big deal in this town. She's like a local celebrity."

Isabella just nodded her head, she didn't really care if Maya's parents had influence over the town. "What about the other one?"

"That ones Delilah. The George's adopted her when she was like five. She'll talk to you but it's only because she wants to know everything she can about everyone. That's where she gets her influence from- knowing everyone's secrets. She sits with the populars because she's head cheerleader." Jessica paused to roll her eyes. "Everyone's wants to be her for some reason."

"Don't you?" At Isabella's words the rest of the table smirked. Isabella clearly asked the important questions.

"Me?" Jessica scoffed, rolling her eyes again. "Of course not."

"Jessica." A angelic voice appeared from behind the girl, causing her to jump in her seat. It wasn't a voice she'd heard that many times, but it was a voice that was engraved in her brain. Once the brunette had turned to face the head cheerleader she spoke again. "Who's your friend?"

If Isabella wasn't intimidated enough when Delilah had walked in, she was even more intimidated now that she was smiling down at her with her pristine white and straight teeth.

"Oh....." It seemed even Jessica was nervous in her presence.

A perfectly plucked eyebrow was raised when the Stanley girl went quiet. Delilah had lifted her gaze from Isabella and now laid her eyes on Jessica. A smile was still on her lips, however it didn't ease anyone's nerves.

"Cat got your tongue?" Giggles fell from the brunettes plump pink lips. It was clear that the George girl was trying to settle those around her. However it didn't help much.

"Delilah?" A new voice called over to the cheerleader. Fortunately for Jessica it gave her a few seconds to collect herself while Delilah's attention was elsewhere.

"Maya hey, I was just welcoming the new girl." Isabella couldn't help but be shocked as the sun glasses wearing girl made her way to stand at her sisters side. Jessica had said that Maya didn't talk to anyone apart from possibly her group and Delilah. It just seemed weird she was now in front of her.

"There's a new girl?" Maya was speaking to her sister but turned her head to look around the table. She didn't really recognise any of the faces apart from Jessica.

"Yes. I'm not sure her name yet." Delilah turned her head back to Isabella, her curls swaying behind her as she did so. "It seems Jess has forgotten your name."

Both George girls knew that Jessica had not forgotten the new girls name. But Delilah- although people didn't know it- was too kind to embarrass the Stanley girl anymore than she already was, which was why she'd made up an excuse for her.

"Isabella Swan, but you can call me Bella. I don't really like my full name. It's just-"

"- You can call me Lilah, Bella." The brunette interrupted the blabbering girl. It was obvious to them all that she was word vomiting. So Delilah tried to save her any more embarrassment, just like she had done with Jessica.

"O-Okay." Bella tried you smile back at Delilah however she was sure it came out as a grimace.

"Nice to meet you Bella, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to get to know each other." Delilah paused, her eyes moving to around of the people on the table "Anyway, nice talking to you all... I'll see you in science Angela."

Maya and Delilah turned on their heels and instead of making their way back to the tables they had come from, they walked straight past the table and to the doors the Cullens had entered through.

Isabella watched as the two sisters left. All eyes were on them, although she couldn't blame them. The two were like literal models.

The Swan girl couldn't help but move her eyes to look at the Cullens, all of whom were no longer sat their in a bubble like they previously were. Instead they looked just like everyone in the cafeteria, mesmerised by the George sisters.

each chapter is a song title so guess who sings each one:)

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