three; walking in the wind

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It was fair to say that Delilah George was not looking forward to arriving at home

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It was fair to say that Delilah George was not looking forward to arriving at home. She knew that her parents would be expecting her to have learnt something about Isabella Swan, but the truth was she didn't know anything more than before she arrived, apart from the fact that Edward Cullen seemed to think she smelt bad.

In reality Delilah didn't really want to snoop around in the new girls business, she seemed like a sweet girl and she truly wanted to be friends with her.

It was becoming tiring just talking to people to learn all she could about them.

As the two George girls pushed the front door open they parted ways, Maya going up stairs to sort out her stuff for tonight and Delilah making her way to the kitchen were she could hear her parents talking. She mentally prepared herself as she neared the room, she really didn't want to have this conversation with them right now.

"Hey mom, dad." Delilah walked over to her Tommy who was sat on his computer at the table, pressing a kiss against his cheek before walking over to Nia who was stood at the island and doing the same. "How were your days at work?"

This was the usual exchange whenever she got home from school, it had been this way since she was small. Delilah and Maya had been raised to respect their parents, they were raised to obey in a way. They didn't want to suffer the consequences of not doing what they were told.

"Just the same old, sweetie." Nia and Tommy both smiled over at their daughter, Delilah knew they would be sweet with her no matter how angry they were. She just didn't want to disappoint them.

The brunette smiled at the two "Thats good then." She walked around to the cupboard, grabbing a chocolate bar from it before continuing. "I befriended Isabella Swan today."

This turned her fathers interest away from the screen in front of him, his whole body now turning to face Delilah "And?"

The girl shrugged in return "Not much really, she's too quiet and shy to know much right now. But I'm sure I can find out more soon."

Nia hummed at her words "You better."

The brunette didn't reply to her mother, instead she just nodded her head. She knew the conversation was over, if she were to say anymore they would just argue.

Instead Delilah left the room, normally these conversations would go well, her parents would praise her for doing such a good job. However that was only if she actually did find something out. When she didn't find anything out it often left Delilah in a bit of a fool mood.

So instead of going upstairs to see her sister like she usually would, she left the house, wanting to be anywhere but home.

Maybe that was what her problem was, it wasn't really her home. Sure she lived there, grew up there and spent almost all her time there, but she didn't feel like she belonged there.

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