seven; hung up

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It had been two weeks since Rosalie and Delilah had their small heart to heart in the street and since then not much had happened

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It had been two weeks since Rosalie and Delilah had their small heart to heart in the street and since then not much had happened. The two hadn't been avoiding each other, they just hadn't gone out of their way to speak to each other.

Although one interesting thing did happen when Delilah got out of Bella's truck on Monday morning, and that was the appearance of Edward Cullen.

"Do my eyes deceive me or is that the boy that thinks you smell?"

Isabella Swan moved to stand next to Delilah at the rear end of her truck where the two had a perfect view of all of the family. Both sets eyes focused on the mysterious boy.

"He doesn't think I smell." Bella rolled her eyes at her friend, something that she'd picked up from the brunette. "And yes, it is Edward."

Delilah scoffed, although kept her tone light hearted. "He so does think you smell." She then moved her eyes from the boy and onto Rosalie who seemed to be deep in conversation with her brother. "You smelt that bad that he had to take two weeks off."

Bella, again, rolled her eyes but continued on. "I'm gonna ask him why he was off for so long."

The girls words caused Delilah to let out a snort of a laugh, her lips twisting up into a genuine smile. "Yeah, okay Bella."

"What?" The brown eyed girl turned her head to look at her best friend, her face painted with hurt.

"Nothing." Delilah smirked in return." Just that you definitely will not ask him."

"Why won't I?"

"Because yo-"

Before Delilah could finish her sentence a black car screeching into the parking lot caught her attention. She knew who the driver of the Audi was and just wished that she wasn't stood in the car park when they arrived.

Maya George got out of her black Audi, her usual sunglasses on her face, but Delilah knew that underneath them her brown eyes were focused on her. Which caused the smirk to drop straight off of Delilah's face.

The two sisters also hadn't spoken to each other since that day two weeks ago, which was why Delilah was now getting a lift to school by Isabella Swan. Although for some reason, she wanted nothing more than to drive to school with Maya again. She truly missed her sister, but Delilah didn't want to speak to her without an apology and Maya was too stubborn to give her one.

So here Delilah was, having to wait around every day for Isabella Swan- the girl who she wasn't exactly supposed to be friends with- just so she could be drove around places.

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