thirteen; to be so lonely

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Delilah George had never felt so alone in all of her life

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Delilah George had never felt so alone in all of her life.

She was used to feeling as though she had no one, however in recent months that had changed completely. She had used to have an amazing bond with her sister, she used to go on days out with her family, she then started hanging out with Bella all the time, and then she thought that she might end up with a girlfriend.

But it seemed like in a matter of weeks, that had all changed. She no longer had that bond with her sister, she didn't spend any time with her family anymore, and she'd fucked up whatever relationship she had with Rosalie.

In all truth, Delilah had not felt so vulnerable in years, the last time she felt like this was just before the George's adopted her. Not that she could remember her life before Tommy and Nia, she only knew what she'd been told by them or people that knew them. Surprisingly though, she could remember exactly how she felt in that time.

She never thought she could feel as bad as she did then, but that was until now.

And in a way, Delilah knew it was all her fault. She had pushed Rosalie away, she had argued with Maya. But at least she still had Bella, even though she was quite significantly mad at her for disappearing the day prior.

However Delilah would just have to be normal with her, otherwise she really would have no one.

"Hey Swan." Delilah walked up to Bella, who for some reason hadn't given her a lift to school again today, meaning Delilah had to hitch a lift with some cheerleader she used to be friends with. "I missed you yesterday."

The brunette tensed under her best friends arm, she knew that she'd had to see Delilah today but didn't exactly want to. She just knew her news wouldn't go down so well. "Aw, I missed you too."

In the short time that she'd know Bella, Delilah had developed a knack for knowing when something was wrong with her, "What's up buttercup?" Delilah moved her head around so she was leaning down and could stare straight at Bella's face, "Did something happen?"

Bella knew it was so obvious that she was nervous, she could hardly look Delilah in the eyes. "N-no, nothing happened."

The smile dropped straight from Delilah's lips, an eyebrow raising at Bella's words, "Why are you lying to me?"

"I-I'm not."

"Yes you are." For some reason, Delilah felt a little pang in her chest, she knew Bella was lying to her and she wasn't sure why. "Was it something I did?"

"No, nothings wrong Delilah."

From the other side of the car park, all six pairs of golden eyes were watching the exchange of the two, which wasn't unusual, they normally paid attention to everything that Bella and Delilah did. However, they were now paying more attention because they had a feeling the conversation wouldn't go very well. They knew what Delilah was like and there was no way she would let this slide.

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