fifteen; rascal (superstar)

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Isabella Swan would never forget the first time she saw Delilah and Maya George

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Isabella Swan would never forget the first time she saw Delilah and Maya George. It was the most intimated and starstruck she had ever been. Even before anyone had told her about the power the sisters held, she could feel it.

She never thought she'd experience that feeling again, mainly because she was so close to Delilah that her power had started over Bella had started to fade, only because Bella knew what she was really like and knew she wasn't as scary as everyone thought.

That was until she didn't feel so close to Delilah George anymore.

Bella should have felt like the most powerful girl in the school that day. She was sat at the Cullen table, next to the boy who everyone lusted after. In a way, she was feeling what she thought Delilah always did, however she knew she wasn't as pretty, confident or funny as her.

She felt that was for a good few minutes until the newly reconciled George sisters walked into the cafeteria together.

Unlike Bella's first day, the George sisters didn't separate, instead they stayed together, Delilah's black heeled boots moving in sync with Maya's black Doc Martins.

Bella focused on Maya first, feeling a little too intimidated to look at Delilah. The girl was wearing what looked like black cargo pants, the bottoms looking surprisingly good on the small girl. She had matched it perfectly well with a long black blazer jacket (anyone would have thought her favourite colour was black and not purple.) Underneath the jacket she wore a small black tank top. Now Bella was intimidated by anyone who wore all black, just because of the stereotype that came with it. But what was even more intimidating wasn't the gold jewellery she wore on her fingers and neck, but actually her face. Her stone cold eyes were focused solely on Bella, a smirk dancing on her lips as she stared at the girl.

Delilah had the same smirk on her lips, only hers was directed at Rosalie. She had matched the colour of her clothes with Maya, the complete opposite of the first time Bella saw her when she was dressed in pink.

Rosalie's golden eyes trailed up Delilah's body, the shiny black boots ended just below her knees, revealing her tan legs all the way up to the top of her thighs. A large black blazer jacket hit the side of Delilah's legs as her hips moved from wide the side. The jacket would have looked silly on anyone else, but because of the black bag that crossed over Delilah's body it looked perfect on her. Delilah had made sure that there would be at least one other colour on her body today, and that came from the silver chain that acted as a strap for the bag.

The vampire could hardly believe it when her eyes traveled up to Delilah's face and found that the girl wasn't even looking at her anymore. Instead her blue eyes were moving around the room, a smug expression on her face as she took note of the stares she was receiving.

Delilah had missed this when she was always with Bella. Of course people would stare at the two girls, but it wasn't like before when all everyone could look at was Delilah and Maya.

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