First ones temple

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Adora P.O.V

We walked inside of the temple to see three guys at the bookshelves
"Bow!" Glimmer yelled for one of them
"Hey Glimmer, what brings you here?" The guy asks
"Wanted to check in on my friends, Oh- I'd like you to meet a new friend of catra's. Her name is Adora" Glimmer says pointing to me
"Hi, I'm Adora-"
"Adora?? The Vampire Princess??!" Bow interrupts
"What? No, she's a traveler." Glimmer says correcting him
"Y-Yea, I'm a traveler" I respond smiling
"She comes to my town a lot, looking for food and such" Catra says having my back. I don't know why she is having such trust in me, but it feels nice to have a friend
"Oh, sorry, I thought you were Adora Greyskull" Bow says scratching his neck
"I-It's alright" I respond
"Not gonna introduce us?" The other two men say walking up
"Oh right, these are my dads. And my name is Bow. Nice to meet you" he says with a smile
"You too!" I say still trying to get used how nice people are. People these days are so... friendly and more open minded. And they seem to be at each others throat less. Then I noticed I'm getting hungry
"Say Catra, can I speak to you outside" I ask
"Oh sure" she responds and follows me outside
"What up?" She asks
"Can I feed off you, I'm.... hungry" I ask
"You mean suck my blood?" She asks
"Sure, go ahead.. atleast you asked this time" she chuckled bringing her shirt down to reveal her neck
I slowly walk up to her then lean in to bite her neck, I got a slight groan from her.
"S-Sorry, did that hurt?" I backed away asking
"Just a little, don't worry, still hungry?" She asks
"Just a bit" I say as I go back sucking the blood. After a bit I backed up and grabbed a clothe out of my pocket and cleaned her up
"Sorry, it's just been a while since I've actually fed off someone, so I'm sorry it was a bit messy" I say dabbing her wound
"No worries, I'd rather help you then the other two finding out. If they did they would not like you too much" Catra says grabbing my hand and pulling her shirt back up.
"Plus it's better this way than you running off and pinning someone and taking their blood instead" she said chuckling
"Yea yea ok, let's head in" I say lending out my hand, which to my surprise she grabbed, considering I didn't mean to lend my hand out. It just happened. We get inside and Bow was right by the door, while Glimmer was talking to his dads
"So.... you are the princess" bow says
"Shit..." Catra says
"Don't worry, I won't say anything if that's what you want" bow says laughing
"It's just... Glimmer looks like she's a werewolf, and considering she's a princess, she's probably next in line to be queen. And werewolves don't like vampires" I say looking over at Glimmer
"Yea I get that, by the way, from the look you gave when you entered and me figuring who you really are. You must be here for something" he says
"Yea, Catra and I came to see what books you have on the past 3 thousands of years" I respond
"Oh! Perfect, I have a book with over 700 pages with all that" he says running over to a black shelf. Catra and I walked over and he gave me the book. It was actually kinda heavy.
"Thanks Bow, Adora and I are gonna head back home to start reading on this then" Catra says
"Alright, visit anytime if you need answers on stuff!" He says waving as we walked off
"Don't worry, I'll be over quite a bit if I don't get what I'm looking for" I looked back laughing. When we left the temple Catra started laughing
"What's so funny?" I ask
"Your laugh, it's cute" she responds. I blush a bit
"Y-Yea well, don't expect much of it" I say stuttering my words. She laughed and I smiled.
We walked back to her kingdom and went into her room, I sat at her desk and started reading the book. Catra left the room for a bit and came back with food and wine.
"What do vampires eat other than feeding off blood?" She asks
"We don't eat much, basically anything that has red. Us vampires have the power to suck any red out of things" I respond still reading. She comes up behind me and says
"Are you hungry?" She asks
"Not really, I did feed off you about two hours ago" I respond
"Well.. do vampires like Wine?" She asks
"Who doesn't" I say chuckling
"Well here then, a glass of wine" she says putting a wine cup in from of me
"Oh uh- thanks, you didn't have to" I say turning my head towards her
"Don't worry about it, your the guest. Here we serve our guests well" she laughs
"Thanks" I say again, I take a sip and went back to my reading
"You know, for somebody who hasn't been awake for 3,000 years, your awfully nice" she says grabbing a chair and sitting with me
"Do expect me not to be nice?" I ask
"No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean from stories I heard of your father and many others from thousands of years ago. There wasn't many who were, y'know. Nice" she responds
"That is true, if we were back in my time. People would be yelling and killing people left and right, worst of all, women would be getting raped" I respond still focused on my reading
"That sounds awful, have you uh- ever been raped?" She asks
"Would you believe me if I said I was a virgin" I mark my place in the book then looking over at her
"No, not really" she says looking at the wall
"Why's that?" I ask
"Well, you seem like you'd have a lot of people after you. I mean your a tall, beautiful, women. If you were talk to the men around here, they'd be after you" she responds
"Oh?" I say putting a book mark in and closing the book and scooted my chair closer
"You think I'm beautiful?" I say in a lower voice
"O-Ok, a little c-close" she says backing away
"Awe, but you were fine the first time I was close to you" I respond chuckling
"That was different, your we're a stranger pinning me against the tree. Plus I-I'm not.... into girls" she quiets down on the last words getting up from her seat
"Hm.." I say also getting up from my chair and slowly walking to her then pinning her to the wall. "And yet, you were the one who kissed me" I say laughing in a lower tone
"I-I.... It was to shut you up... plus you kissed back and eventually fed off me" she says turning her head away
I grabbed her cheek with my hand and turned it towards me. "You were still the first to plant a kiss on me" I say
"What are you getting at..?" She says with her eyes looking away as if she didn't want to look at me, and I started to notice she was blushing.
"If you didn't like girls, then why are you so flustered" I chuckle
"I-I'm not normally this close to someone" she responds still looking away
"Look at me" I say, and she ignores me
"Catra~ look at me" I say again, still nothing. So I smirked and planted a kiss on her lips, I open my eyes for a second to see her surprised face, so I bring my hand up from her face to the back of her hair, and my other hand on her waist now pulling her closer. When I open my eyes again, her eyes are finally closed. I would of continued kissing her, but I heard a knock on the door
"Sweetie, is Adora in there with you" Catra mother says knocking in the door. I pull away quickly and went back into my chair. Soon enough her mother comes in
"Oh hello Adora, whatcha reading?" She asks
"It's just a book about the history of the past 3,000 years" I say holding up the book. Her mother asked me questions and Catra just sat on her bed covering her mouth blushing. I smirked at her while her mom looked at the book.

Le end of this chapter. Btw If you were to count Adora age from before she went into slumber. Basically taking 3,000 years off. She's only 18. Her slumber didn't make her age. It just stopped her from growing. Anyways if you see any references from other tv shows/movies or whatever. Let me know in the comments. I put a few in. One being obvious, the "sucking red out of things" is from Adventure Time. Anyways stay tuned for next weeks chapter

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