The Type of Horror Movies That Has Too Much Crazy and Not Enough Normal

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I slid down the wall and tried to catch my breath. Just two more months and there would be no more running from the cops. I sighed and zipped open my old grey duffel bag. I didn't have much in it, mostly because I never had many belongings to start with.

I dug through all my clothes and cans of food until I found a business card I had snagged while running. It looked like it had been drawn, not printed. But they were offering, and I needed as much shelter as I could get. I wasn't going to a homeless shelter. They would just take me back to my so called mother. Right, because it's normal for your mother to give your soul to Satan so she can be beautiful, and then abuse you for the rest of your childhood (if you could even call it that). I lost any form of child I had in me when I watched a whole year of my mom drinking, smoking drugs, and having sex literally in front of me.

I read the address on the card.

1428 Elm Street

That actually sounded familiar, but I couldn't think of why. I shrugged it off and read the rest of the childish handwriting on the card.

Looking for help paying rent.

Well, way to flat out say it. I picked up my map and went under a street light to see it better. I looked around, saw an old barber and pinpointed it on the map, Elm Street afterwards. I then grabbed the pen hooked to the top of the map and drew the quickest path I could find that would be out of city bounds where an officer could easily see me, or a "concerned citizen." A. K. A. assholes who can't mind their own business.

My breath was finally coming and going at a normal pace again, so I grabbed my bag and started my way towards the house. I just hoped this guy wouldn't be like the last one and call the cops when they figure out that I'm only seventeen.

The house was only a mile away, but I didn't want to show up at 7:00 at night. When I got there though, the two, maybe three story house, had every single light on, and I heard a lot of yelling. I didn't really want to spent the night outside again, I had maybe two hundred dollars left, and, hey, who knows, maybe I'll break up their fight. Then I realized there were about three voices, and all of them were men's. I walked up to the door and slowly knocked on it three times. The yelling suddenly stopped and became low whispering that I could only make out the word "cops." I tensed up as I heard footsteps approach the door.

Should I run?

Just as I turned around I heard the door opened.

"Look officer, we..." The voice trailed off. It was a bit of a deep voice, and actually kind of weird. I slowly turned around and gasped. That's why the address sounded so familiar. It was...

"Are you lost, Kid?" He asked putting his gloved hand on his hip.

"I... I uh..." I couldn't talk. Either this was some collage kid in a really, really realistic costume, or this was Freddy Krueger himself.

"Who is it, Pizza Face?" A guy in a black... Dress asked from behind him. I couldn't see his head from behind Freddy, only because he was far behind him. Freddy was actually pretty short.

"It's some girl," He answered. I stiffened up.

"N-no. I-I'm not l-l-lost," I said and looked down. I took a minute to calm down. "I ran away and I need a place to stay."

"Wait, so you're a teenager?" The guy behind him asked and pushed Freddy out of the way. I tensed up again as I laid eyes on the pins sticking out from all over the man's head. Pinhead, from Hell Raiser.

"Um, yeah I--"

"You don't wanna be here," He warned. I cocked my head to the side.

"It's a girl?!" A strange voice yelled from another room.

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