Michael #1

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It's a Saturday night and you and Michael are playing Mario Kart.

"Your turn to choose which race you lose in." Michael says smiling as he looks at you.

"I don't know what you're talking about because I have more points than you."

"Please, Mario can beat Princess Peach any day."

"Ha ok."

You laugh, pick the next track, and continue racing.


"Ok this is our last race and we're tied. What do you want to race?" Michael asks.

"You pick." You say.

"No, you pick." He replies.

"No, you pick." you smile.

"No, we're not doing this. Pick a race. Any race. Besides, I'm gonna win anyway." He confidently says.

"Any race?" You make sure, having one in mind.

"Any race lets go" he wraps his arms around you, with his Wii remote in front of you.

"Ok, close your eyes."

You check to make sure his eyes are closed. You click on the race and the music for that track starts to play. He hears it and opens his eyes.

His eyes widened. "YOU DID NOT" he screams.

Rainbow Road. You knew it was his worst one.

"You said any race" you grin.

"OH MY GOD YOU KNOW I CANT DO THIS RACE" he was still yelling.

"Oh, I didn't know" you say obviously lying.

"OH MY GOD FüCKING SHïT" he yells as he gets into a serious racing position.


A jingle plays as the 2nd lap starts. You are first and he is second.

You were both really into it. By this point you were both standing about 2 feet away from the TV.

"NO NO NO NO NO" you scream when Michael passes you.

He gets distracted by making fun of you and falls off the side.

"NOOOOOO I-I" he's jumping at this point.

"Ha that's what you get" you laugh.


"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD" Michael jumps.

"NO NO NO" you are yelling at the same time.

"Yes please oh my god please please please" he's says quietly as if he's talking to the racers.

Then you hear a familiar noise, the sound of a blue shell.

"OHHHHHHHHHH" you both scream as Michael gets blown up.

"YES YES YES YES" you dance as you pass him at the finish line and beat him by just a second.

"That was so unfair." He pouts.

"No it wasn't, when it happened to me on Coconut Mall it was fair"

"I totally would have won," he says walking to his drink.

"Well you didn't because I did" you are dancing ridiculously around the room, wailing your arms around everywhere.

"Well one good thing about losing at least I get to see you happy. I love seeing you happy."

You run to him and hug him.

"I love you." He kisses you softly.

"But I'm going to beat you next time." He grins.

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