Calum #1

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You're at school, and Calum is on tour.

You haven't seen him in about 3 months now and you miss him incredibly.

Everyone is talking about prom, which was tonight, but you weren't going. You refuse to go with anyone that isn't Calum.

You're bored out of your mind in class so you pull out your phone and keep it under your desk.

You have 1 unread message from Calum.

"Hey babe, I know your in class so I don't expect you to reply right away, but I hope your having a great day. And when you do get this, text me. I can't see you're face right now but just you're words make me happy. :)"

"Hiiii :)" I'm in English right now, you should join me so you can get your "you're and your"s correct. Haha I love you so much. I can't wait until I see you again. <3"

"It won't be long babe, I promise"
"I love you too<3"

You are staring at your phone smiling when your pencil rolls off your desk, snapping you out of your daydreams.

You watch as your pencil rolls almost to the door, and sigh.

You stand up to get your pencil and as you walk past, and you hear a bunch of people talking about prom.

"I got a beautiful new blue dress."
"I'm going to get my hair and makeup done professionally after school."
"My boyfriend is taking me to a fancy dinner afterwards."

You feel tears in your eyes.

When you bend down to pick up your pencil, the door opens right in front of you.

"CALUM" you scream, jumping into his arms.


Everyone stares at you two.

Calum picks you up and spins you in circles.

"CALUM I LOVE YOU SO MUCH OH MY GOD" you are already crying.

He sets you down but he doesn't let go.

"I love you so much" you tell him through your tears.

He lets go and gives you the flowers he was holding.

"Calum" you gasp, grabbing the bouquet.

"I got the prettiest ones they had, but they still weren't as pretty as you." He says softly looking at you.

"Read the note, read the note" he nudges you.

You smile and start reading the little card that was inside the flowers.

"Dear (Y/N),

I've missed you so so so so so much. Each day feels like a year without you. I'm so happy to say I'm staying with you for 5 days!!! And on Sunday I'm taking you to our show!!! I'm so excited!!!! Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever even when we're not together. Every day on tour I try to text you but you're either in school, or asleep because timezones. I hate timezones. I just want to be with you all of the time. But I'm so proud of you for staying in school. You are so smart, so much smarter than me. Speaking of school, I know you wanted to go to prom. People say it's the best night of their lives, and I want the best for you. You deserve to be happy. I love you so much. I could learn every language in the universe and I still wouldn't have words to tell you how much I love you.
Will you go to prom with me?

Love, Calum <3"

At this point you are sobbing.

"YES" you yell wrapping your arms around Calum.


"I love you so much." Calum says.

You hear him sniffle.

"Yea yea yea, He loves you, you love him, blah blah blah, (Y/N) get back in your seat and you loverboy get out of my classroom." Your teacher demands, and everyone in the room laughs.

"Sorry," Calum apologizes. "I'll come pick you up later." Calum smiles.

"Bye" you smile.

"Bye" he says back.

"Why are you saying bye" you walk towards your desk.

"Because I'm leaving?" He was very confused.

"No, I was talking to the class. Bye" you pick up your book bag and follow Calum out the door. He puts his arm around you and walks you to his car.

"I'm so excited for tonight." He jumps as he starts the ignition.

"I am too oh my god it's going to be the great, but not as great as you." You close the door behind you.

Calum puts his arm around you and drives out of the parking lot.

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