𝙃𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙍𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 - 𝙍.𝙏

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Y/n's POV:

   "Richie, come on. It's been more than ten minutes. It's my turn," I complained. The losers decided to visit the clubhouse today and Richie was taking up the hammock.

   "What do you mean? There's no rules for the hammock."

   "Yes there is. We all agreed that the rule was ten minutes each."

   "I don't see any signs with the rules."

   "Come on, Richie. Please?"

   "No, I'm comfortable right now."

   "Fine," I sighed, "guess i'll just have to go on that arcade date all by myself."

   "Woah, woah, woah. Hey. Hey, I asked you out. You can't just take yourself on the date."

   "I will."

   "Come on, sweetcheeks. You can come up here with me," he scooted over in the hammock, making space for me to lay down.

   "Really, Richie?"

   "Come on, babe. Let's cuddle."

   "Woah, Richie wants to cuddle? The Richie Tozier wants to cuddle with Y/n?" Eddie joked.

   "Yeah? What about it Eds? She's my girlfriend. I can't cuddle with her?"

   "Woah, woah, woah. I never said you couldn't. It's just weird seeing you all soft."

   "Wha- j-just shut up Eddie."

   "Well, I think it's sweet," I cut in, climbing into the hammock with him.

   "Not as sweet as you," Richie smirked, kissing my cheek.

   "Ugh, get a room," Stanley rolled his eyes.

   "Shh, it's cute," Mike and Bev hissed, "Y/n is good for Rich. Haven't you noticed how much happier he seems?"

   "I-I gu-guess," Bill whispered, "remember when he couldn't even talk to her?"

   "Yeah, he turned into Billy whenever she even looked at him," Ed laughed quietly.


Eddies's POV:

   We were headed to science class when Richie wouldn't stop talking about some girl, "guys, I'm telling you. She's adorable, and, like, she's smart, an' kind, an' sweet, and she's really, really pretty... I swear the angels took extra care of her when they crafted her."

   Richie never talked about a girl like this. He would always say that they're hot or how they'd love to be in bed with him, but not Y/n. He talked about her like he was in love. Maybe he was.

   "Only god could imagine what I'd do just to be able to talk to her normally. I hate how she could look at me with her pretty eyes and my legs turn to jelly."

   "J-j-jeez, R-Richie. You t-talk abou-t-t her like you-you're in-"

   "Love? I think I might be. O-oh, god. She's coming towards us and-and she's smiling at me... what do I do?"

   "D-d-don't be weir-d-d."

   "Gee, thanks Bill- Oh, hey, Y/n. Uh, it's nice right here seeing you." Holy shit, Rich. You kidding me?

   "What he means is that he really likes you and that he wants to take you out sometime," I chimed in.


   "Y-yeah, I do. I-I-I mean, only if you'd wan-want to."

   "Richie, I'd love to."

   "W-wait... really? This isn't a prank? Bowers didn't put you up to this, did he?"

   "It's not a prank, Rich. I-I've actually liked you for a really long time..."

   "Oh, my god. I must be dreaming. U-uh, how about I take you to the movies? I can pick you up at seven on Friday?"

   "I'd like that," the bell rang, "well, gotta get to class. I'll see you at lunch, okay?"

   "Y-yeah, yeah. Okay, yeah, see you, sweetcheeks." Sweetcheeks? God, Richie.

   "Sweetcheeks? I like it," Y/n put both of her hands on Richie's shoulders and leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek, "I'll see you later, babe." And just like that, she was lost in the crowd of kids rushing to get to their classes.

   "She kissed me... oh, my god she kissed me. Guys! She kissed me! And she called me babe. Holy shit."

   "J-jesus, Richie. W-w-we gotta get to c-class-s, come o-on," Bill said, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him away, I was following them. He was still holding the cheek that she kissed. Damn, he really is in love.

-end of flashback-

Y/n's POV:

   "I wasn't any better, you know," I said.

   "What? Really?" Everyone gasped.

   "Yeah, the day Richie asked me out, my friends told me to make my move. They knew I was head over heels for him. So, when he asked me out- well, Eddie asked for him, I was ecstatic."

   "Awee, that's adorable, Y/n," Eddie cooed.

   "Oh, shut up."

   "Yeah, shut up. Only I can call my girlfriend adorable. Now, about that arcade date."

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