Chapter 3: Long Live The Fucking Queen.

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9:09 A.M.

"Wake the fuck up!" Nairobi screamed through the door.

"I'm up." I groaned as picked my head up from my pillow.

"Can I come in?"


She opened the door and cautiously walked in.

"I won't bite." I said with a chuckle. "You don't have to walk in here as if you're going to a bomb site."

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know everyone has probably asked you that but..." She rambled but she stopped abruptly when she stared at my head.

"What the fuck are you staring at?"

"Your hair." She said in confusion. "It was brown yesterday and now it's blonde again."

"I dyed it back to blonde last night." I shrugged.

Last night had been one full of revelations. My brown hair was a symbol of me trying to change who I was to change the past. My blonde hair is the color Andrés always loved on me and it made me who I was so I had stayed up most of the night dying it back to my original color.


"I changed my hair color because I hoped it would help me erase what had happened, but someone helped me realize that no matter what I do I can't run from what happened and I can't allow myself to be weak. I'm a Fonollosa and I need to start remembering who I was before I lost Andrés."

"I'm glad you realized that." She said genuinely. "Plus I always liked you better as a blonde."

"As did I." I said with a chuckle as I lifted my hand and wiped a stray hair away from my face.

"Holy shit." She exclaimed as she pointed to my ring. "Where the hell did you get that?!"

"Oh this?" I asked innocently.


"Andrés had given it to me years ago."

"I never saw you with it in Toledo."

"That's because I didn't bring it there. I left it here."

"You left it here?" She asked me, confused. "Why would you leave it here?"

"Because I own this place." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"What?!" She asked incredulously. "No you don't!"

"Yeah I do." I said as I laughed. "This was my home with Berlin for three years."

"You guys lived here?!"

"Indeed we did my darling."

"This is such a lavish place. It makes sense now that I think about it." She said with a smile.

"I know."

"This piece of art is a beauty." She commented as she walked up to the portrait of me that hung above the bed and my mind raced back to the day it was hung up.

"Andrés!" I whined. "I don't want that hanging above our bed!"

"Why wouldn't you?" He scoffed. "You're absolutely astonishing and so is this portrait."

"Be that as it may I still don't want to hang it up."

"Well that's such a shame that you feel that way but I can assure you that your opinion won't change my mind." He said as he placed the picture above the headboard.

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