Chapter 1

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And once again, this gets edited. I'm sorry, but every time I click it, I cringe.


*Kayla's POV*

"Did you get them?!" Ally asks, body shaking. You would think that she was the one that helped discover One Direction. I should really remind her who started the obsession

"OH MY GOD! WE'RE GOING TO SEE ONE DIRECTION!!" I guess someone got hyped up on Honey Nut Cheerios this morning. She began to run around the room, screaming, 'I'm the future Mrs. Styles! Harry will be mine!'.

"Allison! Get a hold of yourself! Now, go get ready. We have to be there earlier." After about, one hour of rummaging through my closet, I called in Ally to help me. She picked out my 'I Love Louis Tomlinson' t-shirt, ripped skinny jeans, my denim jacket, and a pair of black converse.

"Remind me why we waited till last minute to get the tickets?" I ask, trying to tush and get everyone ready. She rolled her eyes and sighed. I lift my mattress, grabbing both of our posters from under it. We've had them made for months

"Because no one else will try to!" She slips on her sandals, snatches our posters and dashes to the car. I tied my laces and went after her.

"Thanks for waiting! You're the greatest!" I plaster a fake smile and hopped in the driver's seat. I motioned for Ally to get into the passenger seat, after I cleaned all of the junk off.

"Do you have everything? The concert starts at seven. Its four right now and it takes an hour to get to the arena. We have to be there by 5, so we can go backstage before the concert starts!" I say, making sure we've got everything that we need. I don't want to be halfway to the arena and find out I left my wallet at home.

"WE'RE GOING BACKSTAGE!?" I nod. She begins to talk about her plan to meet Harry, and how he'll instantly fall in love with her. I giggled at her insanity. Ever since we saw them on X-Factor UK, we've loved them. Even after the year we spent in America. We're directioners. We've been there since the beginning, and we're going to be there farther than the end. After 2 years, we finally get to meet our idols, curtesy of knowing Josh Devine.

"Can you run inside and grab my iPod?" The annoyed expression on her face, told me that she didn't want to do it. "I got you backstage passes! The least you could do is do me a favor." She paused for a minute, then huffed and got out of the car. She came out 5 minutes later, my iPod hand. She climbed in the car, handing it to me. I popped 'Up All Night' into the cd player, and headed for the arena.

<Louis POV>

"Harry, what time are the girls supposed to get here?" It was nearly six o'clock, and the girls Josh had invited hadn't arrived yet.

"They'll be here in any minute Lou." He tells me, going back to playing the impossible game on his phone. On cue, two girls entered, seeming extremely lost. Hm, seems as if Harry has some psychic powers he hasn't told me about.

The other boys and I walked up to them, being greeted with friendly smiles from the both of them. The one that, I'm guessing liked me from her attire, stood there, biting her lip and staring at me. See, I told Zayn he wasn't the only one with that effect on girls.

"So, I finally meet the famous Louis Tomlinson." She states, smirking at me. I stood there, shocked at her confidence. Oh, I like her.

"Oh, I'm Kayla. Kayla Thomas. I'm a big fan of your music." I nod slowly, smiling. She's outgoing, I over it! She's like the girl version of me, I can tell.

"I'm guessing by your clothing, that I'm your favorite member?" I ask, even though there really isn't any reason to ask. It's obvious.

She places a hand on her hip and rolls her eyes. "Well, if you want to put it that way. You're the one that I...fancy. I guess that's the correct word." Mhm, yeah, a lot like me.

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