A Playlist With My Name [t•n]

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i had a lot of fun writing this and im lowkey very happy with how it turned out!! this is for the lovely --scuffed and if you haven't, PLEASE check out their work!! it's so good!! anyway, i hope you enjoy this :)

main focus: ted and noah

tw: none


Ted loved the stars. They were probably one of his favorite things in the strange thing called life. He loved how if he drove just fifteen minutes out of his city, they would litter the sky for miles and miles. But perhaps the thing he loved more than the stars, was sharing them. He loved watching his friend's faces light up when he took them out to the giant field he'd found years ago. He loved how they would stay out for hours, just looking at the giant sky above them. It had become sort of a tradition for Ted to take them all out, and that's exactly what he had done tonight.

It was a late summer night. Ted was sitting on one of the blankets they had set out for the night. It was quiet, with the only sound being the crickets in the grass and the low howl of the passing wind. He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the cool air. He shivered as he exhaled, his eyes glued to a constellation he had forgotten the name of.

"You cold?"

Ted turned his head, eyes moving from one beautiful thing to another. Noah was looking back at him, his head tilted slightly to the side. Cool grey eyes looked back into his, and Ted wondered what he would find if he looked maybe just a little longer. But he didn't have time to do that, he had to answer a question. Was he cold? He hadn't really noticed, but his arms were covered in goosebumps and he made a mental note to not wear short sleeves next time.

"Just a little, why?"

Noah didn't say anything, just shifted around as he removed his signature bomber jacket. He handed it to Ted, who looked at him with slight surprise before gently taking the jacket. He gave Noah a look of 'Are you sure', and only received a smile and a nod. He slowly put it on, trying to ignore how his stomach fluttered and how he got lightheaded. Noah shifted closer to Ted, his side now fully pressed to his.

"Hey, do you mind if I lean against you? I'm kinda tired." Noah's voice was soft and quiet, only for Ted to hear.

Ted looked back at Noah, shaking his head as he whispered back, "No, I don't mind."

Noah smiled in thanks before resting his head against Ted's shoulder. His hair brushed against Ted's neck, causing him to shudder. Ted smiled as he rested his own head against Noah's, content in that moment. Cooper shot him a questioning look from a few feet away, which Ted thought was pretty rich coming from him. He chose to ignore it, instead focusing his attention to the stars and how his side was burning where Noah was leaning up against him.

They stayed in that field just a little while longer, before they had to leave. He turned to Noah, whose eyes were closed, his breath even with sleep. Ted lifted a hand, gently shaking Noah's shoulder.

Noah's eyes fluttered open as he lifted his head up, looking around before settling on Ted, "Time to go?"

Ted smiled, nodding as he stood up. He offered Noah a hand and helped to pull him to his feet. The rest of his friends had already started to leave in their own cars, and he gave them all a small wave with his free hand. He turned to Noah, who looked ready to fall asleep again.

"Do you need a ride home?"

Noah nodded, "I would really appreciate that..." Ted led Noah to his car, letting go of his hand as he unlocked his car. They entered it, Noah watching as Ted started the engine, "Do you remember where my house is?"

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