Teenager In Love [c•t]

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look i just wanted to write them and i wanted to make it soft so this happened

sue me 😌

main focus: cooper and travis

tw: none


"What are you doing this Friday?"

Travis looked up from his lunch, blinking at the boy in front of him, "What?"

"This Friday, are you busy?"

Travis scowled, continuing to just stare with growing confusion, "Why, Cooper?"

"I'm just wondering if you're busy."

"No I get that, I'm just confused..." Travis looked over at the table where Cooper normally sat, stomach dropping when he saw all of Cooper's friends watching them. He looked back at Cooper, grabbing the rest of his lunch as he got up to leave, "Look, I don't want to deal with this right now... Tell your friends to brother someone else..."

Travis gathered up the remainder of his lunch, giving Cooper one last glance before he left the lunchroom. He tried ignoring how Cooper's face seemed to fall as he walked away. The hallways were empty, most people either still eating or outside enjoying the nice weather. He headed over to his locker, unlocking it as he tossed his lunch inside.

Questions were filling Travis' head by the second. He had maybe one class with Cooper, hardly ever interacted with him. In fact, he could count how many times they had talked on one hand. Travis just felt sick, knowing it had probably been some sort of twisted joke. Part of him wanted it to be serious, considering what few conversations they had were pleasant, with Cooper being friendly and nice. But that's how you acted towards kids when you were in class and needed to know the answers for the problem. He sighed, about to grab his books for class when something made him turn his head.

"Travis!" He turned his head, eyes narrowing as he saw Cooper running down the hall towards him. Travis looked around the hallway, eyes searching for other people, confusion just hitting him even more when he found they were the only ones. Cooper stopped in front of him, eyes soft as he looked at the smaller boy, "Are you busy this Friday?"

"Why are you so set on this bit? No one is even around."

Cooper's face fell again, hurt flashing in his eyes, "It's not a bit, I'm serious..." Cooper rubbed the back of his neck, sighing, "I shouldn't have asked in front of everyone, but I swear it's not a joke or a bit."

Travis swallowed, face going slightly red, "Oh... Uh... I'm not busy."

Cooper's seemed to light up at his words, "Would you like to get dinner with me? There's a new place that opened up and I've heard good reviews."

"Why not go with some of your friends?"

Cooper gave a lopsided grin, "Because I want to go with you. We can go after school or I can pick you up later if you want?"

Travis furrowed his eyebrows, confusion still very much in his mind, "Sure...? I mean, we can just go after school. That would be nice."

Cooper nodded, smile still on his face, "Okay! Great! I uh- I'll see you then."

Cooper gave him a small wave as he started to back, leaving Travis alone as he returned to the lunchroom again. Travis let out a breath he had been holding. He shook his head as he put his things in his locker, gathering his stuff for his next class, pushing the questions buzzing in his head away.


Friday came quicker than Travis thought it would. He didn't interact with Cooper at all, which wasn't too different than how it normally was, but it was slightly weird to Travis considering they were supposed to go out for dinner.

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