It's Fine [c+t]

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hi, im back. here's a request that i got over a month ago from MelodyGirl429. im so sorry it took so long. i hope you like it. the title made this seem so much worse than it actually is. i just had nothing else for a title  

main focus: travis and cooper

tw: none

"Travis it's fine, chill out-"

"Your nose is broken!"

Cooper leaned his head back to hit the wall behind him, regretting the decision as pain shot down his spine, "All I need is some ice, it will be fine. Don't worry," Travis stood in front of him, fidgeting with his hands as he stared up at Cooper with large eyes. Cooper let his shoulders drop, moving off of the wall as he threw an arm around Travis' shoulder, "Come on dude, I want to go home."

Travis didn't argue, just sighed as the two of them walked down the hallway. Cooper knew there were about seven hundred things bouncing around in Travis' head, but the fact that he wasn't vocalizing any of them made Cooper frown. He didn't say anything to the younger, letting the silence swallow them both. Cooper's arm dropped from Travis' shoulder as they got to their car, allowing Travis to hop into the passenger seat. Cooper paused for a few seconds, gently touching his nose to make sure it had stopped bleeding.

He was barely in the car as Travis turned to him and threw a question at him, the question that Cooper had hoped wouldn't come up.

"Why did you do that?" Cooper didn't respond, just looked out the windshield, shame building in his chest for reasons that didn't seem to make sense, "Cooper, come on. Why did you do that?"

"Do what?"

Cooper internally cringed, hating his response as soon as it left his mouth. Travis didn't seem to like it any more than him, "Cooper, I'm not joking. I just want an answer."

Cooper scowled, eyes unmoving from the spot in front of him, "I wasn't just gonna stand there and watch you get your teeth kicked in Travis."

"So you thought you'd do better."

Cooper couldn't understand this, couldn't understand how Travis seemed annoyed about this. He was coming off his adrenaline high, and everything was just pissing him off now. He tossed his hand up, rolling his eyes as he leaned further back in his chair.

"Why are you doing this, Travis? I punched a guy, he punched me. It's over, it's done."

"But you can't just fight my fights!"

"It wouldn't have been a fight if I didn't get involved! Closer to a murder..."

He muttered the last part under his breath, trying to ignore how Travis glared at him. He huffed, pulling his keys out of his pocket and turning on the car. He didn't wait to be in this parking lot anymore. He just wanted to get home and icy his nose. Hopefully the drive would help the situation.


Driving did not help the situation.

They sat in anger filled silence, Travis mumbling a few things under his breath and Cooper choosing not to comment on them. Once they got to the house, Cooper sloppily parked the car, barely turning off the engine before Travis was getting out and slamming the door behind him.

Cooper stayed behind for a bit, before the pain of his nose became the focus of his mind. Travis was already inside the house when Cooper stepped in himself. He dragged himself to the kitchen, opening the freezer and pulling out a bag of peas. He pressed it to his nose, flinching at the sharp pain it gave him. He closed the fridge, slowly turning around to leave, slightly surprised when he saw Travis standing in the doorway. His hands holding the house's first aid-kit.

"We should probably clean up your nose..."

Travis moved further into the room, taking a seat at the table. Casting Cooper a glance before he started unpacking the kit. Cooper sighed, before he walked over to the table, taking a seat in front of Travis. There were a good few beats of silence, until Travis was cleaning around his nose, ridding the skin of the dried blood and dirt. Cooper tried not to move, though he couldn't help from jolting back when Travis bumped his nose. He muttered a quick 'Sorry', before moving back and letting Travis continue.

"I'm sorry that I seemed upset in the car... I didn't mean to come across like that..."

Cooper raised an eyebrow, waiting a few seconds to see if he would continue. But when he didn't, Cooper allowed himself to speak, "I know. And I'm sorry I punched the guy."

Travis lightly laughed, "No you're not."

The corners of Cooper's mouth lifted up, "Yeah. I'm not. He deserved it."

"I still wish you had let me deal with it..."

"Travis, and I mean this in the nicest way I can, but he would've killed you."

"Wow, thanks."

"I'm not saying you're weak or anything, but he was already pissed at you. I threw him off. It's hard to fight someone when all your previous energy was focused on someone else."

Travis paused, "Still... I feel like this," His hand gestured to Cooper's face, making the older roll his eyes with a smile, "Is kinda all my fault."

"Well yeah, it kinda is," Travis opened his mouth to argue, but Cooper just laughed, cutting him off, "That's a joke. None of this is your fault. You were just minding your business and someone decided to be a dick. Plus, the nose is my fault, I didn't dodge."

Travis shook his head, but there was a clear smile on his lips, "Yeah... that is on you. He gave you like, ten seconds to move."

Cooper smiled, eyes watching as Travis unwrapped a bandaid and gently placed it on his cheek. He turned Cooper's face to each side, as if he was checking he had missed anything. When he seemed to deem it suitable, he let his hands drop. The two falling back into silence. Though Cooper's eyes softened and he slowly stretched his arms out.

Travis understood the gesture immediately and pulled Cooper into a tight hug. It was nice, and it was a way for them to understand that they were on the same page. A way to understand that they both understood each other.

Cooper pulled away from the hug, ruffling Travis' curls, getting a 'Hey!' in response. Cooper chuckled as he pushed himself to his feet, "Come on. I wanna watch a shitty movie."


"We can order something. I don't wanna cook tonight."

Travis smiled, "Sounds great!"

Cooper couldn't help but smile back. Sure, getting punched was pretty awful, but ending the night with a bad movie and pizza? It balanced everything out.

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