The Escape

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You guys ever read the maze runner? The one where they're trapped in the governments hands where ever they go, yeah that's pretty much my life right now. They do so many tests on us then just throw us in class rooms, then put us in our rooms for the rest of the day, speak of the devil, "Hello Athena, we need more blood samples" Dr.Williams said I stood up angrily, once we exited my room I ran towards the left, I've only ever gotten to the bathrooms before they catch me, "She's on the run again!" Dr.Williams said on her walkie-talkie. Hi my names Athena and I'm part of the Gen-Z mutants, I'm pretty fast but apparently not fast enough, I was tackled to the floor, "Gotcha!" Said Ruel him pinning me on the floor, Ruel is a jerk he had a little fame a year ago and now thinks he higher then everyone else here, "Get off of me Ruel!" I said trying to free my hands to smack him but he was too strong, "No, I think I'll wait for security" he said smirking, "I swear Ruel when I get my hands free, I'm going to smack that smirk right off your face" I yelled, "I'd love to see you try, because the last time I remembered I had super speed, you can't touch me." He said chuckling now, I spit in his face, I hated this place! And I thought I could really get away this time.

Security came 2 minutes later and took me, the put hand cuffs of me ones that make us unable to use our mutant powers, "Again Athena?" Said my friend when she saw security escorting me to head quarters, I sat there waiting for about 20 minutes till they said that I learned my lesson and then sent me to my free time, this is weird usually they lecture me for about 30 minutes, but they let me go just like that? Eh oh well I don't really care. I thought as I was walking to the outdoors, I sit on the swings and try to enjoy fresh air but it's weirdly different then a year ago, lonelier, everyone I ever knew is either dead or at another facility, we were separated by our last names, I'm in the V-Zs my last name starts with Z and I didn't know anyone here at first, and I only met Ruel because he's my bully, but I get him back sometimes, but I always make sure it's good.

"Plotting your revenge on Ruel?" Said Esma, as she sat on the swing next to me, "Oh yeah cookin up some ideas" I said, Esma is my best friend, and the only person I like here, when they first took us here we were each others room mates and then got really close and became fast friends, "So how close were you this time?" She asked "Oh is someone finally encouraging me to escape this place?" I said sarcastically "No! I'm just curious, that's all" she said giggling a little, "Well just past the water fountains till Ruel tacked me, I hate him so much!" I said angrily. "Oh we gotta go our free time is up" said Sadie, I got up and we walked towards the doors to enter the building, once I walked in I tripped and fell on the floor, I looked up and saw Ruel, "That's it Ruel! I'm gonna kill you!" I said standing up quickly my fangs came out and leaped towards him, he pushed me away he was bigger then me but I was determined to take him down, so I kicked his legs from under him, once he fell I got on top of him and pinned him down just like he did me I went to bite his neck when someone pulled me off of him. I looked around and saw horror on everyone's face I retracted my fangs and ran away, "Athena wait-" said someone but I didn't care I was so embarrassed.

I ran to my room, it was now dinner time but I wasn't about to show my face to everyone, they all seemed terrified of me, I heard a knock at the door I was sobbing in my pillow, "Who is it?" I asked "It's me, Esma..can I come in?" She asked "Yes" I rolled over to look at her, "Aw are you crying!" She said then rushed to my bed, "I feel so embarrassed, they all looked at me like I was a monster" I said she looked at me sadly, "Athena you're not a monster, you're being picked on and you finally stood up for yourself you should be Proud!" Esma said wiping a tear off my face, "Now wipe those tears and get up cause were going to eat some dinner!" She said my little smile faded, "Esma no, please don't make me" I said "It'll be fine! Plus you won't leave me eating all alone!?" She said "Fine! Ugh" I said standing up and wiping my tears.

Once we got to the cafeteria, everyone got kinda quiet, me and Sadie got our lunches and then sat down at our usual table right next to Ruel's of course, full of all his friends, "She almost ripped your face of dude!" I heard someone whisper, probably the worst part of being what I am is I can hear everything, "I know! What a fish freak right?" Another boy said, tears weld up in my eyes, I tried to take a bite but I was shaking too much, "Ruel? Isn't she such a crazy bitch?" Said another person, "I'm sorry Esma I can't do this, I stood up quickly Ruel did the same I looked at him, wondering why he stood up too, once he saw me looking at him his tense angry face turn soft, I shook my head then sped off to my room. God I hate it here I feel so trapped so alone! I thought to myself.

I heard a knock at my door, "I'm sorry Esma but I'm not coming back!" I yelled at the door, "It's not Esma" I heard a boys voice say, "It's Ruel, can I come in?" He asked, "No!" I yelled then laid back down on my pillow, he came in anyways, I looked at him seeing he had a tray of food in his hands, I turned away from him, "Athena please eat this" said Ruel, setting the tray of food down on my side table, "Why? Did you poison it?" I said sarcastically, he sat down on my bed, "No..." he said "Then why do you want me to eat that?" I asked Turing around to look at him, "I saw you shaking and thought you should eat something" he said, I looked at him, "Why do you care about my health all of a sudden?" I said sitting up now, "I don't!" He said then stood up, "Now just eat the food! Bye!" He yelled, "Ya know for a split second I thought you were a good person Ruel" I said as he stood at my door about to leave, I dropped his head then left.

I ate the food cause why not? Esma came in about 5 minutes after Ruel left and we went to bed talking about what we would do if we ever got out of this place, "I wanna go to the California beaches!" Said Esma, "Aw that's a good one, I want to go to Paris!" I said "Omg what a dream!" She said "We should go to bed before the catch us" I said she smiled and nodded, then we turned off our lamps and went to bed, but when I drifted to sleep I thought why did headquarters not see me after my attempt escape?

Hope you guys like this book I really think it will be one of my bests! Xoxo 💖

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