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We've been on the road for 6 days we heard on the radio there were mutant teens on the run and to look out for them, we're long gone from that area now we're not worried about them, jasmine told us those weren't their parents and just people trying to turn in kids for money, it's disgusting to me, Jasmine, Esma and Ivan fit in the back and Bear moves from lap to lap, it's my turn to have him now, I looked down in my lap at the little boy Bear sleeping, everyone's asleep except for me and Ruel, "Do you think he is a mutant yet?" Ruel asked, I tucked some of Bears hair behind his ear, I looked over at Ruel "I'm not sure but we need to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't get the virus I don't wanna risk his life" I said holding him tighter, I looked a Bear again his perfect long eyelashes were so cute while he slept, "You ever think about having kids one day?" Ruel asked "Of course I did, but now that the world is like this I wouldn't want to bring a poor child into this" I said sadly looking at Bear knowing he will have a childhood like I did.

We keeping hearing to go different directions because the safe places for us keep getting shut down and caught, I don't know how much longer these kids are going to stand being in a car, just as I thought that jasmine started whining in the back "Where are we even going?!" She said annoyed, "Jas you know we're trying our best to get somewhere safe, now calm down and shut your mouth" I said jasmine crossed her arms and mumbled to her self, ugh I feel like a mom at this point with these kids, I knew what I was getting into when I rescued the kids just didn't think it would be this hard. "I'm hungry!" Jasmine whined, "Why did we take her again?" Asked Esma sarcastically "Esma please, we will get food soon and I said be quiet" I said huffing angrily in my seat, "You have anything in mind for food?" I asked Ruel, "I think just a couple miles up is a small grocery store want to look there?" He asked, I nodded and he drove us all there.

Ruel and I decided to go alone, a bunch of teenagers with kids? Not a good idea, we put our hoods up and he wore a hat, we can't risk getting caught because the people who turned us in gave descriptions to the police we saw it on the news in some diner, me and Ruel walked in and just grabbed fruit, and chicken with some other snacks, "I'm going to look for drinks you keep looking for snacks for the kids" I said then went to the drinks aisle, I think all we need is water so I grabbed a pack of water bottles, I was kinda struggling when someone grabbed the other side for me, "Thank you-" I looked up to see a cop in front of my face "I can help carry this out to your car ma'am?" He said in a sweet voice "No, no that's alight I've got it" I said pulling it away from him and walking towards where Ruel was "Ma'am stop right there!" He said I stopped oh no did he see my face a little too much, I turned around he walked towards me bent down and grabbed something off the floor, "You dropped your wallet" he said I huffed in relief, "Thank you so much-" he then looked down at my ID "Athena, what a beautiful name" he said handing me my wallet back to me, I sat there wondering how he didn't put two and two together and know it was the girl from the news, oh well we gotta get out of here.

"Ruel" I said to him to get his attention turned around, and I explained that the cop didn't recognise me, "That's odd but we should get out of here quickly if there's cops" he said "Just what I was thinking" I said we went towards to checkout, we grabbed our bags then headed towards the exit, when we walked outside there were multiple cop cars, with officers waiting by them with guns aimed at us, "Get the stuff to the car I'll handle this" he said I grabbed all the bags and ran toward the car, a cop tried to shoot me but Ruel using his super speed grabbed his gun and then snapped it in half with his super strength, I got the things to the car and put them in the trunk, "There's cops everywhere, Esma strap the kids in the back and Ivan you drive, I'm helping Ruel and if the cops come your way just drive!" I said "But Athena I won't leave you!" Bear said crying "No I'll be right behind you, I love you guys" I said then ran towards Ruel leaving my hoodie in the car, I leaped using a car and jumped onto a cop I then flipped over him scratching him with my claws then grabbing his gun shooting him in the leg, I then shot two other officers only in the arm or leg just to slow them down not kill them, I then looked over at Ruel he had bodies all around him, I learn out of breath of relief seeing there were no one left to fight, then a cop emerged from behind a car, "Ruel watch out!" I said leaping towards him, then cop shot at Ruel and he's quick but not quick enough, he tried to drag be out of the way of the bullet it grazed my arm, Ruel caught me in his arms then left to go take care of the cop, "Shit! That hurt!" I yelled "Well why did you jump in front you know I have super speed right?" Ruel asked "Yeah, I just thought the cop was quicker" I said holding my bloodily arm, "Here" Ruel said ripping up his shirt he then wrapped it around my arm, "Just keep pressure on it till we get somewhere to get it cleaned up" I nodded and he then picked me up and ran towards the car with super speed, we got in I put bear on my lap and then we drove off.

We got to an abandoned neighbour hood and just picked out a house to stay in, Jasmine always sleep with someone new but Bear always sticks with Ruel, me on good days, I walked into the living room after having a shower and saw Ruel reading a book with Bear and Jasmine, bear almost asleep in his lap and jasmine right next to him on the couch drifting off to sleep, I smiled and thought I'd he ever wondered about having kids, he's amazing with them. I walked over and sat on the other side of Ruel he kept reading I laid my head on his shoulder as he read I slowly drifted off to sleep to the soothing sound of his voice,

My eyes fluttered open to the crackling fire wood, I sat up and saw a blanket over my warm body, I looked around and noticed Ruel and the kids were gone, I got up grabbing the blanket to go find them, I went towards the stairs then stopped when I saw Ruel standing on the front porch, I could hear him speaking angrily at someone and realised he was on the phone I opened the front door and his eyes shot over to my way, "Well tell them we won't be able to make it we'll just have to try next week, good bye" he said frustrated I walked towards him, his back was towards me and his head was hung low, "Everything okay?" I asked "No, they said we have to be at California but sun down tomorrow to catch the boat to and we just can't make that, I'm sure the cops are looking for this car we need to ditch it Athena" he said almost about to cry, "Hey it's okay, we'll figure this out, if we wake everyone up tomorrow morning and go only on back roads we can definitely make it by sun down" I said rubbing his arms from behind him, he turned around and wrapped his arms around me "Thank you for being here" he said "I'll always be here" I said holding him tight, he pulled away and looked me in my eyes, then down at my lips, I knew what he wanted, I waned him too, "Athena did you know you have beautiful eyes?" He asked "Shut up and kiss me" I said pulling him down by his shirt I felt him smile in the kiss, he wrapped his arms around my waist picking me up and putting me on the wood patio railing, I grabbed the back of his neck while he held onto my hips pulling me in closer, he kissed down my neck, he pulled away again catching me off guard, "I've wanted this for so long I don't want to go to fast" he said I blushed and tucked hair behind my ear, I put my hands on his face softly, moving towards him to kiss him slowly, it was passionate but soft at the same time he gently placed his hand on my neck deepening the kiss, "Ruel?" Said a little voice behind Ruel, we looked and saw Bear, I jumped down "What are you doing up buddy?" Ruel asked walking towards Bear picking him up, "I woke up and you were gone" he said "Aw I'm sorry bud we're coming to bed now" he said I walked with them to their room, Ruel pulled me into the hallway giving me another passionate kiss, when he touches me my skins feels like it's on fire, he pulled away from the kiss, "Come sleep with us?" He asked I nodded bear was in the middle and Ruel and I were on the outside of the bed holding hands over bear he didn't mind he just held onto our hands as well.

Tomorrow is another journey to California we will only get 3 more hours of sleep but anything is good at this point.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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