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We've been on the road for three days, we stop and get gas with money me and Esma have been saving for this exact reason, Raina also had a lot of money her parents send her money instead of visiting the kinda disowned her once she became a mutant, we're heading east hoping to happen upon friendly people or a place to sleep for tonight, we came across a motel and pulled into the parking lot, "Okay now this place is abandoned but we still need to be careful remember" said Ruel "Yes sir!" Said Ivan joking around we all got out sometimes Ivan and Esma would switch between Ruel and Raina's car so she wasn't lonely but me and didn't mind, we're still just friends but when he touches me all I get is butterflies, he makes me so nervous. I walked into a room and switched on the lights, "Cool power!" I said excitedly and a good bed for once said Ruel as he jumped on the bed, "I get left side!" Ruel said me and Ruel told Raina the truth eventually but the joke was fun while it lasted.

"Fine I'm showering first!" I said running to the bathroom, I got out and realized that my bag was outside, I walked out in just my towel Ruel was sitting there with Ivan, "Hi guys" I said "Hey" said Ivan he looked at me then had to take a double take, I realized he's never seen me in just a towel shouldn't change things honestly "What are you guys doing?" I asked "Were trying to set up the phones so we can communicate with each other when we're not all together" said Ruel they were sitting on the bed unwrapping and messing with the phones "there are only 2 phones we'll have to share" said Ivan "That's fine, I need to go get dressed I'll be back" I said grabbing my bag then leaving to the bathroom again, I put on some sweatpants and a shirt for bed not much but comfy, we've been going to abandoned places and finding cloths that were left behind by people. We try to avoid crowded places because kids our age are mutants and the humans are now terrified of us.

Ever since I was taken I haven't given my family much thought, they never visited so I just assume that they don't care about me anymore, how the whole mutant thing works is you either die of the virus or plague or you survive and become immune and a mutant, so everyone here is a surviver and mutant. My sister got the virus but didn't survive it, me and my sister were so close, no matter how bad my day was my sister always found a way to make things better she was possibly the best human in the entire world, I sat in the bathroom staring at my self I showed off my fangs, then looked at my scales shimmering in the light, god I hate what I am, no one else has what I have I don't just have super powers, the virus turned me into something else, i have fangs, claws, and when I focus I can turn into something but I've only done it once and it terrified me, I don't know why I turned into this, why I couldn't have just died of the virus like my sister, I miss her so much I don't want to be this.

I stood there tearing up, "Athena you okay in there?" Said a voice on the other side of the door I quickly wiped my tears and opened the door, "Yeah, what's up"  I said Ruel was standing in front of me, he looked at me then wiped a tear off my cheek, "What's the matter?" He said I looked down at my feet then walked to the bed "Nothing, how did the phones turn out?" I asked he came over to me wiping my hair away from my face and cupping my cheek, "Please I want to understand you" he said I smiled and decided I could trust him with this "I just never understood any of this, why us?" I said "I'm not following" he said "I hate being what ever I am, I don't even know what I am, I just don't understand why my sister had to go and why I had to stay. she was the good one, the caring one, I'm a terrible person! I get in trouble all the time I don't even know if my family is alive or dead because they haven't reached out in years, they hate the freak, the mutant, the disappointment" I said crying, Ruel wrapped his arms around me, "I'm sorry" he said as I cried in his chest, "What?" I asked he looked down at me, "I've been so terrible to you I'm so sorry please forgive me, and know I will make it up to you, one day" he said holding me tighter now, I looked up at him he had tears in his eyes "You know I forgive you, it's you and me forever" I said holding my picky out "Pinky Promise" I said he wrapped his pinky around mine.

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