The Weekend

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Saturday and Sunday's we don't have to do any classes some training but not always, but it's kind of a refreshing day, I woke up after sleeping in I saw the Esma is already gone, I got up and got dressed and put my hair in a pony tail then left with my book in my hand, I walked to the swings, once the swing came into view I saw Ruel and Esma sitting on the swings once they heard me they stopped talking I turned away quickly hoping they didn't see me. I walked to the cafeteria grabbing some breakfast I sat at the table eating alone, I woke up late so almost everyone has eaten already so the cafeteria was pretty empty, someone sat across from me I looked up and saw Ruel, I rolled my eyes and was trying to stand up when he reached up to grab my arm to try and make me stay "Please let me explain, I promise there's a good reason" he said I looked at him angry but still sat back down, "Okay so what?" I said crossing my arms, "Okay well, I was there waiting for you when she came in and started talking to me and when you came along kinda late we had been there a while and I didn't want to be rude and tell her to go?" He said "Are you kidding me?" I said standing up throwing most of my food away and speed walking towards the door, "Athena! What did I say?!" Ruel said I turned to him "Your explanation made me more angry then understanding, you basically just said that you'd rather treat me like shit then to ask your ex girlfriend to leave when you knew we already had plans!" I yelled "No I didn't?" He said "Yes you did! I'm leaving and please never talk to me again!" I told him "Athena please let me make it up to you! let's go for a walk we talk about things?" He said desperately "No! I'm done. Being your little puppet, I never know what to expect from you I'm going to play these games Ruel." I said on the verge of tears "Athena pleas-" he said trying to grab me, "Ruel don't touch me! Don't act like you actually care about me cause if you did, you wouldn't leave my side or let go of my hand once you see your friends, scared of what they might think, that you're with the freak?!" I said he tired to talk again but I turned and just walked away.

I spent the weekend ignoring Ruel and reading on my swing, i needed a break after the week I've had, I would see Ivan a little and we would talk he's actually a really sweet guy, he also really funny and sarcastic, I was now reading in my bed on a Sunday night, when Esma walked in with a pile of stuff in her hands, "You need help?" I said standing up to help her "Yup!" She said hanging me a ton of things to put onto her bed, "What's all this for?" I asked "The science project remember?" She asked I stood there thinking shit! The project me and Ruel never did it! "When is it due again?" I asked "Tomorrow but I've been procrastinating but I can get it done by tonight" she said I stood up quickly and ran out the door before Esma could ask me where I was going, I ran to where all the boys rooms were, I'm going to Ruel's room knocking quickly, I hate him but I'm not about to fail because I had a bad partner, Ruel opened his door, water dripping off his body a towel loosely around his waist, I made sure to try and keep eye contact, "Athena?" He said.

"Yes we need to do our project I'm not about to fail because you're a bad-" I said "I finished it." He said interrupting me, I stoped and looked at him confused he opened his door a little more letting me in, "Come in please" he said as he walked over to his desk, to grab a poster board and handing it to me, he was neat and perfect he did it all, I looked at him a little embarrassed cause I came at him with anger when he did all the work him self, "You wouldn't let within 10 feet of you so I decided you needed space and a break so I did this by myself" he said I handed it back to him, "Still doesn't make up for what you did" I said he nodded "Of course not" he said smirking, "Whatever ass hole" I said as I headed towards the door, "Athena! Wait" he said and grabbed my hand turning me towards him, he was very close to my face our lips only inches apart, "If you feel nothing for me leave and I'll never bother you again" he said I stared into his eyes only looking away when I looked at his lips, he leaned in to kiss me but I pulled, "I'm so confused" I said backing away from him, I ran out of his room leaving him alone I felt kind of bad but he can't keep doing this thinking I can read his mind, I don't know the twists and turns of his mind!

I ran to my room closing my door behind me and locking it quickly, Esma looked at me shocked, wondering why I'm out of breath I'm guessing "Woah where's the fire?" She laughed "Esma" I said still kinda in shock of what Ruel just tried to do "Athena" she said kinda giggling "He tried to kiss me" I said "Who? What? Where did you go?" She asked "I went to Ruel's room to discuss our project and he tried to kiss me" we both sat there kinda shocked "Well, then I think you need some rest" she said helping me up and walked me to my bed, she tucked me in and let me to go sleep. I woke up to rocks hitting my window, I walked over to my widow to see Ivan standing outside, I opened my window "How did you get out there?" I asked him "I jumped out my window, now I know what I'm asking might be a lot but-" before he could finish I jumped out my window "Oh never mind" he said we went to the swings Because we weren't outside of the walls we were just outside of the building which is still not allowed at night.

"So where did you come from Ivan?" I asked "What do you mean?" He asked "Well for as long as I've been here we only got new people for the first three months after that we never got anyone except now you" I explained "Oh, well I was in foster care and was on the run when everything went down and I've been on the run for about 2 years, but then these people found me around a week ago but are just now allowing me to go to classes, they weren't sure what to do with me at first because they didn't want me to be a bad influence on anyone" he said I smiled up at him, "We wouldn't want that" I said, I shivered "You cold?" He asked "I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt I wasn't exactly ready for this kind of weather" I said laughing a little "Here" Ivan said taking off his hoodie and handing it to me, we went to sit in the grass playing with it a little, he saw me still shivering, "Come here" he said I scooted towards him, he held me in his arms, "What's this for?" I asked and I looked up at him, "Well I made you come out here in your Pjs and sit on the wet cold grass the least I can do is try and keep you warm." He said,  I smiled and blushed "Why aren't you cold?" I asked "Didn't I already tell you I'm from Russia?" He asked "Oh yeah sorry" I said.

We spent the whole night talking I leaned hes Russian but while on the run he learned English the way he could understand road signs and things of that sort, once i started to get tired he suggested we go back to our rooms, he then walked me back to my window, "Well hopefully you'll get up just fine sweet dreams" he said then picked me up to give me a boost is to my window, "Bye Ivan I'll see you tomorrow" I said he smiled then jogged away to his room. I laid in bed smiling, I then realized I still had his sweatshirt I ran to my window to see if I could catch him, but he was long gone "Oh well looks like I'll just have to keep it safe for him" I said to
Myself cuddling in the warm sweatshirt that smelt just like him.

" out!" Ruel yelled I turned to see someone coming at me with a knife, I put my hands up to stop the blade, but then I never felt the knife stab me I moved my arms out of the way to see I was in a large black room alone, "Hello? Is anyone hers?" I asked I heard someone behind me I saw Ruel standing there with flames hovering over his palms, "Ruel what are you doing?" I asked he came closer at a fast speed with the flames being thrown at me, "Ruel! Please!" He then was right in front of me sadness in his eyes instead of anger, he raised his hand pushing me into ground making me fall, I screamed.

~end of dream~

I woke up covered in sweat, shooting up in my bed, "Athena?" Said Esma turning on her lamp and looking at me "I'm sorry bad dream Es, go back to bed" she then closeted her eyes and I did the same what a crazy dream.

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