New Boy

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When I woke up there was a coffee cup with a note next to it, I sat up and grabbed the note it read "Athena" on the front I opened it.

"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view" sorry for keeping you out all night here's a quote from your favourite book and some coffee. -Ruel

I smiled down at the note and drank some of the coffee, he's kinda sweet sometimes.

It's lunch time the next day now, as I ate my food i couldn't stop thinking about last night. "So Athena..." said Esma "What happened last night?" She asked "He took me to see the stars!" I whispered excitedly, "No way! You're one lucky girl, now did you find the way out?" She asked i looked at her sadly, "Well yeah but it's complicated" I said "What do you mean?" She asked I looked at her confused face "Well apparently Ruel has super strength as well and he jumped us over the wall....?" I said kinda worried what she would say, "He what?" She said kinda loudly, "Shhh!" I said to her as people started to look out way, "Okay we can talk at the swings later, it's too crowded here" I said to her she nodded and we just went on with regular conversation, I was smiling down at my food, "Someone has a stalker" said Esma, I looked up at her she was looking behind me, I turned around and saw a random boy staring in our direction, I saw Ruel look in the direction where we were looking, he looked at the boy wondering the same thing we were, "Who is that?" Asked Esma.

"I'm not sure but he seems pretty interested in us" I said "Boys can't keep their eyes off of us" said Esma, we laughed then the bell for the end of lunch rang, me and Esma went our separate ways, I walked to my locker for my math book for my last period, "Athena" I heard my name then Ruel appeared in front of me, "Hey Ruel" I said grabbing my things out of my locker, "So when do you want start on the science project?" He asked me, "Well we can meet in the study hall after dinner?" I asked him "Yeah! Sounds good." He said kinda awkwardly, as we walked to our classes I decided to bring up the super strength, "So super strength?" I asked "Yeah, I developed the new power a couple weeks ago" he said I was just wondering how I pinned him on the floor when he has super speed and strength he could have easily held me back, "Then how did I pin you down in the hall that one day?" I asked, he blushed and looked down at his shoes "Don't be mad at me. But if I didn't want you on top of me you wouldn't have been" he said whispering the last part then walked away to his last class.

I finished my last class but couldn't stop thinking about why Ruel said. He literally let me beat him? Damn! I thought to myself, I have training today so I need to go get changed, I walked to my room, once I got to my door I saw Ruel standing there leaning against the frame of the door, "Hey!" I said too excitedly calm down Athena! "Someone's excited to see me?" He questioned "Oh please I don't need to feed your huge ego" I said he came into my room and sat on the bed he grabbed the rubber ball off my desk and laid on my bed throwing it up in the air, "So what are you doing here?" I asked as I searched for my training cloths, "Oh well I get to train with you today I made some arrangements" he said I was faced towards my closet so I smiled, I turned around with my cloths in my hands, "Um can you please turn around?" I asked "Oh yeah sorry" he said then turned around "Hey did you see the new kid?" I asked "Yeah? I didn't think we would ever get someone new" he kinda mumbled.

Once I finished getting dressed we walked to the training halls as he held onto my hand, I walked in my usual room with Ruel, when we walked in I saw some of his friends in there training, he let go of my hand and walked away from me, I felt my heart sink, he's embarrassed to be seen with me? I questioned. I looked at Ruel, he didn't even look back at me, he just went over to his friends and stood with them as our training session started, our teacher setting us up with someone to fight having different rounds of fighting some with powers some with out, training can kinda be fun it's like a game sometimes, you can see how far you can go with winning the rounds, I was fighting some girl for round one, I flipped her on the map and won, I looked over at Ruel seeing he was already done with his round and onto his second round.

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