Mornings and Nights

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Ugh morning, you may think mornings are terrible for you but you have no idea what we have to go through, I'll tell you my morning to give you a glimpse, they wake us up with the announcement radio at 5:00 am sharp, I roll out of bed take a 5 minute shower that's all they give you brush my teeth get dressed in the stupid uniforms we have to wear everyday, brush my hair then go line up at the cafeteria, I always of course wait for Esma too, we all eat our food then they draw blood from us or give you shots, every morning. No one knows what they do with our blood or what they are putting in our bodies , I mean our parents are gone and there are legal guardians so we don't really have a choice, we belong to the government now.

The drew some of my blood today because I skipped out on it yesterday, when I tried to escape, I think I'm going to use my free time the next time I try, or mine my lunch? I thought to myself, we now have class so I grabbed my back back out of my room and went to my first period science, this is the only class I like, we only get core classes, our "Electives" are training with our powers it's alright but I don't get the point of us going to school anymore, I mean what are we going to do go off to collage? Yeah right.
I heard Ruel and his friends laughing and whispering I tried to ignore their widowed but they always whisper so loud almost like they know I can hear them, everyone has more than one ability but are sometimes unaware of them it's rare to have than 3 abilities, that's how come no one knows that I can hear everything except Esma, cause she's my best friend and I tell her everything. And she tells me everything about her she actually has this really cool ability to read minds sometimes but it's selective and she said she would never read my mind, I always admired that she gave me my space even though she could read my mind and know everything. "Hey where did you go at dinner last night?" A girl asked Ruel trying to be flirty, "I went to the bathroom now leave me alone" he said angrily, then looked at me, he saw me staring and I looked away. Shoot! it's fine he didn't see you.

I just finished my last class and don't have training after school today so for once I have tint to myself, "Hey Athena!" I heard Ruel yell for me down the hall, I looked back at him rolling my eyes as I saw him jogging towards me, "What do you want?" I asked annoyed, "Well you know the science project that we have to do with a partner?" He asked, "Yeah?" I said "Well Jack kinda bailed on me for Olivia so I was wondering if you and me were partners?" He asked, I stoped and looked at him, "Why are you being nice all of a sudden? What do you want?" I asked he shrugged, "I just want to be a better person is all" he said, I squinted my eyes at him, then gave in "Ugh fine I'll be your stupid partner" I said rolling my eyes "Really?" He said "Yes! Now go don't want your buddy's seeing you with the freak!" I said jokingly "Yeah whatever!" He said jogging over to where his locker was.

I went to my room and grabbed one of my books, I then headed towards the swings, I sat down at started reading, when we were taken we couldn't take any of her home items because it might've had the virus on it so we could request 5 things, no one really knows each others items some of them are very personal others not so much, One requested I made was having my favourite book, to kill a mockingbird , I re-read this at least once every 3 weeks, I know it almost word for word, I was reading when someone sat next to me on the swings, I looked over to see Ruel, "Hey..." he said, I blushed a little wait I What? "H-hey, whatcha doing here?" I said awkwardly "I don't have any training today what about you?" He said swinging a little bit, "Yeah no training today but training tomorrow! Yay!" I said sarcastically he laughed, "What are you reading?" He asked "Oh it's nothing just a boring book" I said throwing it on the ground and starting to swing with him, we stayed on the swings during our whole free block, and free time I wasn't sure where Esma was but I didn't think much of it till they rang the bell for dinner.

"Is it really time for dinner?" I asked Ruel looked at me a shrugged "I guess so?" He said we walked to the cafeteria together till we saw his friends he walked away from me to them, I walked around them and went to go get my food, "Athena!" I heard a voice call my name I looked over to see Esma sitting at our table, "Where were you?!" I said shocked she was just sitting here, "I could ask you the same question?" She said smirking at me, "I was on the swings? Where I always am? Why?" I asked "Yes I saw, but a certain someone who you tackled yesterday was sitting next to you and you were laughing with him!" She said matter of factly! "You saw?" I asked she nodded "Well I didn't enjoy-" "Before you said you didn't enjoy it remember, I can read minds"I started but she interrupted, "You said you would never do that?" I said annoyed "Well yes! But I was curious like you and Ruel hanging out? Just bazar, no offense" she said I nodded not caring much "I guess just this one time was okay!" I said, "But can we please never talk about this again?" I asked her she giggled "Fine!" She said rolling her eyes.

It was once again time for bed so I put on my pyjamas which was shorts and a big shirt, I didn't have much but at least I've got something. I got into bed and when I was reading my book and Esma was falling asleep I heard soft knocks on my door, I sat there staring at the door unsure if I really heard that, they knocked again so I stood up, and opened the door, I saw a tall figure in front of me once my eyes focused I saw it was Ruel, "Ruel what are you doing here?" I whisper shouted, "I needed to show you something. Sneak out for the night with me but we have to come back!" He said sternly Esma woke up, she heard Ruel talking, she stood up excitedly, "She would love to! Now give her like 2 minutes" Esma said then closed the door, "What are you doing?" I asked "You are going to put on jeans and shoes and going to go runaway for the night with that boy" she said "No I'm not!" I yelled "Athena think about it you'll know a way out so we can finally escape on our own!" She said I sat there pondering "Fine!" I said I put on some jeans and shoes and some mascara then opened my door Ruel was smiling at me, he held out his hand and we locked our hands together before he dragged me away.

We were now outside and we've reached the corner of two giant walls, "okay you'll need to get on my back for this part" he said, I looked at him confused "I'm going to use my super speed to get us over this wall" he said then bent down to my level so I could hop on his back, "Okay I'm ready" I said he then jumped over the wall but also not making a sound, he then helped me off his back "Okay I have a car at the bottom of the hill" he said my eyes lit up, I haven't been outside of theses walls in over a year and also Haven't been inside of a car in forever as well, he smiled then took my hand in his and we started running to the car and got in.

We didn't drive for very long when we stopped he got out and told me to wait, to open my eyes so I covered my eyes and waited till he came to grab me out, "Okay now open your eyes!" He said I opened my eyes seeing nothing, "Look up" he said I looked up at the sky, Stars! I haven't seen stars in forever the facility's lights are too bright for us to ever see the stars, "Woah their beautiful!" I said amazed by the beautiful sight above, he laid down a blanket and we talked a laughed for hours, "So who is this Ruel?" I asked him, "What do you mean?" He asked I sat up and looked at him, "Well ya know, you're kicking and shoving me around in there but out here you're more open more free like your true self" I said "Well I think you just answered your own question" he said smirking up at me, I smiled and laid back down with him, we decided we should head back now, you both got in the car, you fell sleep to the cars humming.

You woke up all of a sudden I looked at the time 4:00 am what the hell? "Was it all just a dream?" I said to my self, "Huh?" Esma hummed "Oh nothing go back to sleep" I said then went back to sleep.

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