Anywhere But Here

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It's been a week and Ruel hasn't bothered me and Ivan has joined Esma and I so now we have a little group, "Oh well that definitely didn't count when you took me down yesterday!" Ivan said "Ivan you beat me once and it's cause I went easy on you, remember?" I said eating a fry, it's lunch time and I'm thinking I haven't seen Ruel in a while but pushed it to the back of my mind because I should care what he dose. The bell rang and I went to class, I got up to go to the bathroom, I was procrastinating and trying not to go back to class because the lecture that he's giving us isn't very fun, I walked down a random hall way and hear mumbles and rattling in a room, I tried to look through the widow of the room but it was blocked by something, I opened the door, When I walked in there was a panel with different buttons I decided to press one, it turned on a light in a room but had one wall glass so you could see inside in front of me, "Cool" I said I pressed another button lighting up another room, this ones lights were bright I waited for my eyes to adjust to the light when I saw there was someone in this room.

They were strapped onto a chair their head held low, "Hello? Are you okay?" I asked he lifted his head slowly, his eyes slightly lit up when he saw me "Athena?" He said "Ruel? I'm coming to get you!" I said I pressed a button that said release, it unlocked the door to his room and the straps holding him down, "Who did this to you?" I said trying to help him out of the chair, "Athena we need to get out of here I heard them they are going in alphabetical order, I was one of the first but they want more!" He said then coughed "Who wants more?" I asked him "The facility! they were draining me, I'm not sure what they were taking or why they were taking it" he said I helped him up and we walked to the doors, "Where should we go?" I asked "What time is it?" He asked " 2:10 Why?" I asked "Because I don't want to be out here in the open when the halls flood with kids" he said he was still having trouble walking so I walked with him, we saw a small closet and I pushed him in, "Stay there" I said "Don't leave me!" He said grabbing my arm, I looked up at his poor weak face "Okay fine but I need to tell Esma and Ivan that we're leaving" I said I got in the closet it was a tight space so his chest was against mine, we heard the bell ring and all the students run about to where ever the need to go, Ruel looked dizzy he then passed out his head resting on my shoulder, "Shit Ruel!" I said trying to pick his head up for him, I cupped his face a look at him wiping his hair away from his face ugh he is cute, He opened his eyes not too long after me trying to him up, "Ruel you passed out we gotta go" I said pulling him with me out of the closet he walked a bit better so we could move faster.

We went to my room, I opened my door seeing Esma, "Hey? Is everything okay?" Edna said helping me with getting Ruel onto my bed, "We need to go! Ruel has a car down the road, we're leaving tonight no training today I need to find Ivan and tell him, I'll explain more later but pack your things!" I said, "Okay what do you want to do with him?" She asked about Ruel "Just make sure he's alright and give him some water and food if we have any" I said then ran out the door, I don't think Ivan has training today so he must be in his room, I ran to his room knocking hurriedly, Ivan answered, "Hey is anyone in here?" I asked him "No why?" He asked "We need to go, Esma, Ruel and I are leaving tonight you can come too but meet at my room during dinner time packed, I'm sorry I hope you had a big lunch" I said, he nodded "I'll be there" he said I then ran off to Ruels room, I want to pack some of his things for him.

Once I got close I heard voices around the corner "What do you mean he's gone? We'll find him! The students shouldn't find out  what they're really here for" said our headmaster, I hid when he walked away, I then snuck into Ruels room and grabbed a bag and some cloths and essentials, I creeped out of his room, "Hey Athena!" Said a voice behind me I saw it was Raina "Oh hey Raina!" I said trying not to seem suspicious, "Have you heard from Ruel? We were supposed to hangout a couple days ago and he never showed" she said "No why would I know where he was?" I asked "Well first you have his bag on your shoulder right now and second I literally just saw you leave his room" she said I had to come up with an excuse quickly, "Fine you caught us, we're actually dating but we're trying to keep it on the low he didn't want to reject you so he just didn't show up" I said she sat there a little confused "Oh......well see you around I guess" she said, then walked away.

I then ran back to my room and locked the door behind me, I looked at Ruel seeing he was throwing up in my trash can Esma was sitting with him rubbing his back, "He just started throwing up for no reason" she then felt his head "He's also burning up Athena, what happened?" She asked "I'm not sure he said that the faculty have been draining him of something but he's not sure why or what they're draining but (I can tell he's scared)" I said the last part in my head for only her to hear. We helped Ruel feel better he was resting and I decided to get some sleep too before our journey were finally going to get out of here.

Me Esma and Ivan have been planing on leaving for a while now with just us, but now that we have Ruel he can help us a lot more, we were just going to steal his car, better that we just being him too with it. I drifted off to sleep.

"Athena wake up" I heard a voice about me say I opened my eyes to see only a t-shirt I look up seeing Ruel he was smiling down at me, "RUEL!" I said excitedly I wrapped my hands around his neck hugging him, he wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me tighter then ever before, "Ya know I think this is the first time you've given me a hug" Ruel said I pulled away, "Okay before we move to that, how do you feel? Nauseous? dizzy? Faint?" I asked "No I feel just fine" he said I looked around seeing that Esma left "Where's Esma?" I asked "Oh she went to go grab some food so we can have it for the road" he said "Oh okay that's a good idea" I said getting up, Ruel pulled me down onto his lap "Ruel I can't do this with you right now" I said pushing him away, "Please Athena can't we just talk a little I want to tell you so much" he said i sat on my dresser angry  and annoyed not wanting to talk about any of this at all.

"Okay I'm listening again" I said "Athena we're leaving! No one in our way, nothing stopping us, I want to be with you, and I know you feel the same, please don't let my stupidity get in the way of us! Please give me another chance!" He begged, I looked at him and his sad eyes, I remember that, it was in my dream "Of course I will, but we're going slow okay we're friends right now" I said jumping down so I now stood in front of him, "Okay friends, I'll change your mind eventually" he said "See and this is why we almost left you here" I said he laughed, Esma showed with Ivan, "Hey we're back and we brought a friend" said Esma, "Ruel I need to hear it from you!" I heard Raina say shit what is this chicks problem? "Hear what?" He said walking towards her "Are you and Athena dating? Is that why you didn't show up on Wednesday?" She asked Ruel looked at me I nodded rapidly "Um yeah I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner?" He said she smacked him across the face I don't know what's going on but it's getting suspicious and I'm going to get to the bottom of it" Raina said stomping out of my room, "Good thing we won't be here much longer.

We all grabbed out stuff and headed to where me and Ruel escaped the last time. Ruel took Esma and I was waiting on the other side of the wall for Ruel to come back, "Athena do you think you can just steal my man and get away with it?" Raina said stomping my way "Ruel! Come back for me now! Now!" I said as Raina kept getting closer and closer he then swooped me up over the wall, "What the hell are you guys doing?" I head Raina say on the other side of the wall Ruel looked at me annoyed, "I'll take care of her you go with the others" he said I grabbed my bag and ran to the car, I got in the passenger seat not long after Ruel came in the car "Don't get mad, but Raina is coming too" Ruel said "What?!" I Said angrily, "Calm down she said she need to grab a couple of things and that she has her own car" he said "Okay but I'm giving her 10 minutes tops" I said crossing my arms and huffing in my seat.

We heard a car pull up behind us I looked back seeing Raina, so we were now on our way to any where but here.

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