Chapter Four

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-Bex's P.O.V-

"Guys we need to pick a song and we preform TOMORROW!" Thorne yelled.

"Flip-flops and a Snoop t-shirt..." Thistle started. the fact she chose that song was an irony in itself. Heck the girl is the walking definition of irony.

"You say that I'm messing with your head..." Katrina sang roughly. I admit that her voice very well amtched who she is.

"Cottonwood fallin' like snow in July Sunset, riverside, 4 wheel drives In a tail light circle....." I sang.

"NO COUNTRY!" All of them yelled.

"If you're the bird whenever we pretend it's summer then I'm the worm, I know the part is such a bummer..." Hayden tried.

"NO!" Thistle, Thorne and Katrina snapped, making Hayden cower back.

"Time to listen to my confession..." Thorne started.

"NO!" We all yelled.

I started to sing 'Disconnected' by 5SoS and eventually we all sang some of it. With practice, we could be fantastic.

"GIRLS LOOKS LIKE WE'VE GOT OUR SONG!" Hayden gushed in her fangirl-y way.

-The next day. Hayden's P.O.V-

We were waiting backstage waiting for someone to call us out; finally they did. We all walked out on to the stage.

"What song are you girls going to sing for us?" Delilah, the nice judge, asked.

"'Disconnected' by 5SoS." Thistle bravely answered.

"So let's hear you girls try to sing it." Henry -Mr. Pain-in-the-Ass- said.

"Henry! Be polite! Good grief man," Delilah gasped while slapping his arm.

Bex got us going then we did our parts. Before we knew it, Kat's raspy/gravelly power voice, Bex's twangy country voice, Thistle's average voice, my sweet/soft pop-y voice, and Thorne's unique sounding voice blended into this wonderful something.

Henry said nothing same with Delilah, Hillary and William, the other two judges. I hoped we wouldn't get booted. We were told to go back stage. So we walked off the stage.

-Delilah's P.O.V, after the preformances-

"That was amazing!" I said.

"Incredible." Hillary and William agreed.

"It was." Henry admitted.

"So we have our winner of the first challenge?" I asked.

"Indeed we do. Let's call all the groups back."

We called all the groups out. 9 stood in front of us. 1 group will win and one will go home.

"Night Sky you girls sounded lovely but dress like hookers. Stop that. Now as good as you were, everyone else was better. you're going home." Hillary announced.

Henry and I were trying our best to hold back laughter but somehow managed it.

"Night Sky get out of here you disgust me! Leave!" Henry spat at them.

They walked off stage crying and left. I hoped we wouldn't see them again but felt bad for making them cry.

"Our round one winner is Nonsense!" William cheered.

They all hugged each other and then thanked us for picking them than ran off stage.

-Thistle's P.O.V-

"WE WON!!!" I yelled.

"Thistle calm your butt down, it's only round one. This is far from over. Now we go back to the house to pick yet again another song!" Thorne ordered.

"Can it be a country song?? PLEASE!" Bex begged, pouting like a puppy.

"You'll keep bugging us 'til we say yes won't you?" Katrina asked her, exhasperated with the blonde bumpkin.

"YUP!" Bex laughed at her.

A good ending to a good day, so it seemed. We won the first round of judge eliminations. Now to survive three more and the three rounds of Canada voting.





A/N Outfits to the side. If there's a picture, it's either a character or what the band is wearing. kay? Kay.

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