Chapter Nine

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*random 3rd peron pov - we shall call him George*

The two bands worked out various ideas for the battle and ended up coming to the conclusion of singing a mashup of two songs. The mashup was a cross between 'Misery Buisiness' by Paramore and Panic! At The Disco's 'I Write Sins Not Tragidies'. It was called 'I Write Sins Not Misery'. The bands split the song up, the boys singing the P!ATD and the girls singing the Paramore.

Soon the ten young adults were parcticing, hanging out, all kinds of stuff. They planned their entire preformance from the way they would interact on stage to how they would dress.

The day of the battle was upon them. The boys wore their various Ring Master type costumes; the girls clad in clothes that looked almost -but not quite- like school uniforms.

Someone got lost on the way to the girls' house, causing a search to be needed. One of their bandmates stayed at the stage, one of the girls was at the house, one of the boys in the boys' house and the rest of the bands out looking for the missing person. They looked almost everywhere and time was running out. But lucky for them, Bex called saying that their missing person was at the studio. The six people out searching picked up the two that stayed at the houses and drove quickly to the studio. They all got back in just enough time to go do their Battle.

Each person was handed a mic, and each one had a band of ducktape the same colour that they were wearing on it. Thistle's was aqua blue, Katrina's was black, Bex had orange, Hayden' got yellow, and Thorne's was violet. For the boys Quinn dressed in red, Drake wore crulean blue, Phoenix wore white, Keirran was in navy, and Ash was in green.

The groups took up their poses and then the song started. They acted like friends on the stage, the girls puting their elbows on the guys shoulders and leaning on them. Pairs were leaning against each other back to back. It appeared to be so mush fun. Thistle ended up giving a hip-check to Keirran and despite friendly appearences it was a challenge. The bunch of them ended up winning for the day and they were both SAFE because they did a duet, and got an even number of votes from Canada so both Nonsense and The End of Time were safe,

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