Let's Start Over Again.

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Kaylee's Point Of View.

'Keep calm. Maybe he'll walk away in a few seconds.' My mind races as Jeydon stands in front of my locker. 'Only because he's talking to Xavier, though.' I sigh, impatiently switching my books to my other hip and begin shuffling my feet. Xavier slams his locker and laughs as Jeydon looks at me.

"What?" I mutter, looking at Xavier with a rude expression. 

"Nothing, bitch. Calm your tits." Xavier laughs, throwing his head back with it.

Jeydon switches his gaze from my low cut tee to Xavier. He roughly shoved him into the lockers and punched him in the gut.

"THE FUCK, MAN!" Xavier yelled. I stood in shock as Jeydon laughed, and then Xavier joined. Jeydon looked over at me and winked, fillng my stomach with butterflies. I pushed past them to get in my locker, and when I bent down to reach the lock, Jeydon squeezed my butt and ran before I could get a word out.

I started to chase after him, but he was too fast. 'Ugh. Why the hell is he so fast?' I wondered. I walked back to my locker to get my things. RINGRINGRING. 'Damn, the bell!

I raced to class, feeling a bit of tension as I walked in, panting and almost in a swet. Jeydon caught my eye. Had he switched classes? As I walked closer, I realised he had, and he had taken the worst seat possible. The one, right next, to mine.

I walk to my seat, cautious not to trip or go past Dana's seat again. She always threw rude comments and tripped me. I was caught off guard and walked past her.

"Go back to where you came from, bitch. Ugly whore.' She laughed with her friend, Karma, as she extended her foot into the aisle. I fell face forward, letting a yelp escape my mouth as I hit the ground with full force. 

"Score." I heard Karma whisper as they touched fingers and made a sizzling sound. 

I sat up quickly, not knowing my forehead ws bleeding. 'Oh, man.' I fall back to the ground, light-headed, and the room spinning. Jeydon jumped from his chair and ran over to me. The teacher still no where in sight. He placed his lips to my forehead before picking me up bridal-style. Then, he walked up to Karma and Dana.

"I hope you're happy, whores. Dana, do you like to dance alone?" He stood there, eyes focused on hers.

"Uhm, no?" She mumbled, moving around in her seat.

"Well, you should. I'm not going to the dance with you anymore. As for you, Karma. Xavier's dumping you too." They both stared wide eye and in shock. Without another word, he carried me to the nurse, smiling down at me sleeping in his arms the whole way.

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