Chapter Four - Memories . <3

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Holly's Point Of View -

We raced up the stairs, six flights as I counted. We stopped just shy of the glass door at the top.

"What is this place?" I asked, amused by the colors of each flower petal, changing at each glance. Birds chirping ringing at your ears.

"My dad owns the school. Well, did." tears started in her eyes. "Now our grandma does."

I hugged her to me, not wanting to let go. "It's ok." I smiled, causing her to grin.

"Well, this is the place I escape to. Each flower, a memory."

I looked around, the flowers covered every spot possible, making the room glow with their glorious, vibrant colors.

"Lots of memories." I laugh, picking at a closed rose bud.

She walked over to me, eyeing me down suspiciously.

"How many do you think there is?" she laughed.

"Errrr. 1,000." I smiled cheesily.

"No. Oh my. I know I'm "miss it" but, no. Only about 26." she smiled, braces glistening.

"No way! Really?" I twirled the rose vine in my fingers.

Kaylee made her way over to an empty pot, eyes wide, excited.

"Come here!" she whisper-yelled, smiling so big, her braces reflected the light.

I walked over to the empty pot with her, to see a brand new orchid bloom and blossom.

"What the?" I gasped, amazed.

"Our memory. The time we met. Just a minute ago. Was transfered to this bloom, like magic. Our memory." she smiled, as did I, as we watched our memory bloom, blossom, and grow.

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