Realise Real Lies

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Naomi's POV:

I only stayed one night in the hospital.

The next day, I was released from the hospital.

I looked at my wrists that were bandaged.

They are painful but whatever.

Krisha was here to help me pack my things.

"Krisha! Thank you for being here with me yesterday and today." I said giving her a tight hug.

We became best friends. She was the sweetest girl I've met.

"It's okay. Im glad were closer now unnie" she said.

"Come over to mine later? I'm free the whole day and you can sleep over" I said packing my clothes.

"Sure! I'll get my things from my house and come to your apartment at 5:00pm." Krisha said.

"Okay! Take care dongsaeng and we need a lot to talk about later!" I said smiling.

She can not keep her secret away from me when Jungkook and her are always holding hands and kissing in the halls of the hospital.

Oh Krisha, Jungkook.. you sneaky maknae's.

You both can't keep your relationship secrets away from me, I laughed to myself.

I was all by myself again and suddenly, someone hugged me from the back. The person had his arms around my waist.

I turned around and I was shocked on who I saw.


He seemed pale and tired.

"Why are you like this all of a sudden? Do you want me to feel sorry for you? Because it's not working, do you think I'll fall for your tricks?" I yelled at him.

His red eyes and nose caught my attention. Jimin looked like he couldn't hold his tears back.

He hugged me and cried.

"Mianhe Naomi" he sobbed.

For some reason, I felt pain in his words and how his voice sounded like.

I didn't think of my actions, so I just hugged him back and even my tears fell.

"It's okay. I forgive you" I said clearing his tears from his face.

"I promise to treat you better. I promise I will." Jimin said.

I nodded and just hugged him tightly. His hugs were warm with a touch of sadness.

Jimin's POV:

I'm so happy she gave me a chance to treat her better.

I wanted to drive her home from the hospital since she was alone and I wouldn't want her taking public transport.

"Is this where you live?" I asked while parking my car in the driveway.

"Yeah it is, thank you for the ride home." She smiled.

Her smile kills me.

"No problem, call me if you ever need me." I said, winking at her.

She playfully rolled her eyes and went inside.

I finally learnt how to forget the past, and move on.

Alexis might of hurt me in the past, but shes gone now and shes not here. I've learnt how to love again, just by being with Naomi.

Krisha's POV:

It was 4:30pm and I was on my way to Naomi's apartment until my phone kept vibrating.

I checked my phone and received a spam of text messages.

{Text Message}

From: Jungkookie

From: Jungkookie

From: Jungkookie

Jungkook you're so adorable.

I put my phone back in my bag and arrived at Naomi's apartment.

I knocked on the door and she opened the door.

"WELCOMEEE DONGSAENG" Naomi yelled and hugged me tight.

Naomi's POV:

We sat down in my room talking about kpop and watching korean dramas until I turned the tv off.

"YAH! I WAS WATCHING! " Krisha fake cried.

"Krisha, you are so addicted to High School Love On" I laughed.

"Whatever" she slapped me in the arm.

I decided to bring up the topic about Jungkook.

"I know about your relationship with Jungkook" I laughed while making lovey dovey noises.

Krisha blushed so hard.

"How did he ask you out?" I nudged her.

"Well, he took me to the park outside the hospital and prepared all these things with lights, flowers and singing". She said looking down.

Knowing myself, I kept fangirling on how its so cute.

Adorable couple.

"What about you unnie?" she asked.

My laugh stopped and the room went silent.

"I don't know who I'm in love with dongsaeng. I missed V for so long, I was hoping before that I would see him and wait for him to be mine. But now Jimin has changed, I feel like my heart is going towards him." I said looking down towards my hands.

"You know, both of them are good people. Jimin was rude when he saw you because he's had a rough past."

Rough past?

"What happened to Jimin?" I asked, out of the blue.

"His ex-girlfriend cheated on him. Her name was Alexis. He loved her so much, that he sacrificed things for her. Once, they went to an amusement park and she said she would be in the bathroom. Alexis took too long so Jimin went and checked up on her. His world fell apart when he saw Alexis kissing Sehun." Krisha said.

Thats why he's cold towards girls, but why has his cold image disappeared?

I got a text message from V.

{Text Message}

From: Taehuggy x
Naomi. The boys and I are going Lotte World tomorrow. Do you and Krisha want to come?

I asked Krisha and she thought it'll be a good idea.

{Text Message}

To: Taehuggy x
Sure. What time do we have to be there by?

From: Taehyung x
1:30pm. See you there beautiful! Goodnight and sleep tight.

Krisha gasped after a minute.

"Whats wrong?" I asked, confused.

"That's the amusement park that Alexis cheated on Jimin."

Hating You Was My Mistake (Jimin BTS) [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now