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V's POV:

I went to school with the boys and Krisha while Jin is looking after Naomi and Jimin.

I haven't told her yet, because she's still in coma.

I missed her so much, and we are worried about Jimin's condition.

Can he look after her if he has a heart problem?

The bell rang and I went to class with the boys and Krisha.

Naomi was in my mind until something caught my attention.

"Class, we have a new student. Her name is Lee Yoona. Please introduce yourself" Mrs Yanni said

That name sounded so familiar.

When I saw her face, she looked like a total bitch and I recognized her from seven years ago.

She was the one who bullied my first love, Naomi.

Yoona saw me and she totally ignored the teacher and ran to me.

"V OPPA! DO YOU REMEMBER ME!?" She smiled.

Fake smiles to get me? Pft, I don't think so.

"Yeah, you're the girl who bullied my girlfriend?" I said making the whole class gasp.

I had to say Naomi was my girlfriend since we haven't even broke up yet.

"N-no!" Yoona stuttered.

Total lies.

"What did you do to Naomi again? Let me recap for you and the whole class. You dumped her head in the toilet, threw her books and things her parents gave her, beat her up and made her cut herself. Wow! EVERYBODY LISTEN UP. Do not be friends with this girl cause she will just ruin your life!" I shouted standing up.

Yoona looked embarrassed.

Mrs Yanni couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Lee Yoona! After what I have heard, I will report you to the principle to expell you. We do not tolerate bullying." Mrs Yanni said while pointing out the door.

"NO BITCH I WANT TO STAY WITH V!" She yelled while hugging me.

"Get the fuck away from me!" I yelled pushing her to the floor.

"Sorry for my words Mrs Yanni." I apologized.

"Don't worry about it V. For you Lee Yoona, you will be expelled on your first day."

Yoona stormed out of the classroom.

"Hyung, you okay?" Jungkook asked suspiciously.

"Yeah I'm fine." I sighed.

I never thought I would see her again.

"Hmm alright" Jungkook said while continuing with his work.

Naomi's POV:

I woke up and my body felt disgusting and sore.

I looked to the side and someone was sleeping on the chairs.

I couldn't recognise the person because the hair was covering the face.

It's a guy?

I stood up and went up to the person.

I tucked his hair behind his ear. I gasped.

"Jin?" I said waking him up.

"Mhm?" He said.

He didn't wake up until he heard my voice.

"OH MY GOSH NAOMI YOU'RE AWAKE!" Jin said while hugging me.

Hating You Was My Mistake (Jimin BTS) [BOOK ONE]Where stories live. Discover now