Wedding Day

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Don't you remember? Or have you already forgotten?

It really hurts, knowing someone like you would just forget everything we had. The kisses, the hugs and promises are all gone.

It's really sad how you promised you would never leave, but you eventually did.


Naomi's POV:

*skips to the night before the wedding day*

Tomorrow was the day Jimin is marrying his fiancé with the bitchy attitude.

The past month I've been practicing and crying.

It's going to be hard to see Jimin say "I do" tomorrow. I thought this was going to be us Jimin..

Today Jimin and Daniella came to our family house and their asking for luck.

Like I would want to.

Daniella called my name. "Naomi, can we talk?"

The boys shook their heads. "No, you can't" J-hope said angry.

Daniella whined to Jimin.

"Babe, tell your ugly friends to follow my rules!" She shouted tugging on his arm.

"Excuse me? How dare you talk to my family like that?" Jungkook said while Namjoon just stood their disgusted at Jimin and Daniella.

"Jungkook let me handle this" I said.

"Noona pl-" I cut Jungkook off and turned around to face Daniella.

"Look you bitch, how could you talk to MY family like that? Just because you're getting married to Jimin, doesn't mean you have to boss us around like your peasants. We're ugly? I'm sorry but look at yourself. You have your faced baked with makeup and you're still ugly. Who would love you? Oh wait, only Jimin. So good luck on your wedding tomorrow and I hope you're happy you took Jimin away from me." I said.

Jimin looked at me with a shocked face but I chose to ignore it.

Krisha and Jin hugged me from the back but when they let go, Daniella full on slapped and punched me in the face.

She started throwing punches and rude comments to me.

"Jimin never loved you!"

"He just used you"

The boys got her off me and asked if I was okay.

"I don't have time to fight with a weak girl like you" I said and pointed towards the door.

"Get out!" I shouted.

She walked out and realised Jimin wasn't following her.

"Jimin lets go!" She shouted.

He shook his head.

"Go home, I'll come home later" Jimin said.

Daniella sighed then stormed out the house.

Suga grabbed Jimin's collar and dragged him away to the kitchen.

The boys looked at me sadly because I was bleeding and dizzy.

I layed down on the couch.

"JIN GET THE FIRST AID KIT" V and Krisha said hurrying Jin.

Jin ran to the kitchen totally ignoring what Suga and Jimin were talking about.

Krisha and the boys helped me get cleaned up.

Jimin's POV:

It really shocked me why Daniella decided to throw a punch and mean comments to Naomi.

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