John Winchester

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Oliver's POV>

"I did some research on the next guy on your list," Diggle says turning towards me.

"Yeah?" I ask. "Whatcha got?"

"I have here he's a mass murderer, he's killed all over America actually." Diggle explains taking the occasional look up at me to probably make sure I'm still listening. "Cops everywhere are in search of this guy."

"Okay, good. Where do I find him?" I ask already starting for the hood.

"The sunbeam motel," Diggle looked just as confused as me as he read it.

"A motel? Mm, weird usually the people on my dad's list are billionaires."

"I guess there are a few exceptions." Diggle says. I shrug as I fling the green hood over my head. I reach for my bow an arrows but Diggle stops me. "What?"

"This guy is extremely dangerous, don't get yourself killed." He warned.

"I'll be fine," I ensure him as I start for the Sunbeam Motel.

"I mean it Oliver!" Diggle calls and I can't help but laugh to myself. If only he knew there's been worse people out there... Or so I thought.


Ooo, who is on that list? ;) Haha i'm pretty sure its obvious (Hopefully not) and Short Chapter I know :/ I promise that they'll get longer! Intros are usually short for me. Next chapter will be Dean's POV. Lets hope everything doesn't spiral out of control :))

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