What If The Jedi Never Helped The War Pt. 3

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I dont know who made the first one but the second is by EMA

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I dont know who made the first one but the second is by EMA.

Y'all. Let's just be really honest. Rex is Anakin's friend that always does the stupid stuff for him so he can have a great time with Padme. I mean really. He's a trooper. (Haha. That's a clone joke)


Ahsoka looked at the night time sky from the surface of Shili. On Coruscant, the lights of the planet were so bright you couldn't see a single star. But here, it was like all the crystals in the universe went up in the sky and shone for her.

"Beautiful? Ain't it?" Rex said sitting down next to her. "How did you get up here?" Ahsoka asked. She had climbed the tallest building in the camp just to see the stars. "The real question is how did YOU get up here." Rex laughed.

"I climbed. Pretty simple." She said still looking at the stars. 'Hmm.' Rex responded. "Your looking at them like you have never seen them before." Ahsoka finally turned her gaze from the stars to the clone next to her.

"Because I haven't. When you grow up on Coruscant all your life, all you see is your sun, moon, and darkness. We have so much light pollution, that I can hardly see a faraway ship coming into the planets atmosphere."

"Wow. That must have been disappointing."

"It was. And I studied Star maps just so I could get a idea where they are. Try to see them."

"Ha. I only know the stars from Kamino."


"Our home planet. It's where we were cloned. It rains like crazy all the time, but sometimes, there would be a break in the storm, and I would sit next to a window and try to memorize all the stars in the sky."


"Yah wow. It took me most of my cadet life!"

Ahsoka laughed. "How old are you by the way? I know Kix told me he was 10, and it's still crazy to think how long this war has been going on."

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