Life in the Clone Wars

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"Don't 'yadda yadda' the Force, Anakin. It's disrespectful."

-Obi-wan Kenobi


Anakin: Ahsoka, would you get that hideous thing off the terrace?

Ahsoka: (To Tarkin) Anakin wants you to get off the terrace.


Obi-wan: Rules are meant to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.

Anakin: Uh, Piñatas

Ahsoka: Glow sticks

Anakin: Karate boards

Ahsoka: Spaghetti when you have a small pot

Anakin: And rules!


"Do it for the vine."

-Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. To each other. Constantly.


Ahsoka: Look, Maul. I want to apologize for everything I said. For what it's worth, I really like having you around.

Maul: No, you don't.

Ahsoka: I know. I have dreams where I staple your fingers to your face.


Padmé: Anakin, please, no one here knows we're married.

Obi-wan (walking by): Yes, they do.


Ahsoka: That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!

Rex: How cool will it be when it kills us?

Ahsoka: Considerably less cool.


Obi-wan: I have total faith in you.

Anakin and Ahsoka: [Leave]

Obi-wan: There's like a 30% chance they'll both die.


Ahsoka: So what's the coolest thing you've done as a Jedi?

Obi-wan: I danced with devil in the pale moonlight.

Anakin: You mean when you did the Macarena to try and distract General Grevious?

Obi-wan: Well it worked.

Rex: Grevious joined in. It was awesome.

Cody: Best weeknd ever.


Anakin: Look, if you have any objections, feel free to put them in the suggestions box.

Ahsoka: That's just a trash can.

Anakin: Exactly.


Ahsoka: Fives, I need your help.

Fives: Commander, I'm in the middle of-

Ahsoka: I'm pranking the Captain.

Fives: have my attention.


[playing scrabble]

Ahsoka: I will put my "A" down to make "A".

Anakin: I will add to your "A" to make "AT".

Rex: I will add onto your "AT" to make "RAT".

Obi-wan: I will add onto your "RAT" to make "BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC".

Anakin: [flips the board]


Anakin, flat against a wall: Snips, do you have eyes on your target?

Ahsoka, from the vents: Yeah, heading down the east corridor. Between the escape pods and the engine room.

Anakin: I've redirected mine to that direction.

Obi-wan: *turns corner to bump into Satine and stumbles to regain balance* Oh, ah, my most sincere apologies, Duchess.

Ahsoka: Well Skyguy, time to sit back and watch the "We try to hide our obvious feelings" show.


Battle Droid: Sir, there's a ship approaching.

General Grievous: Scan it!

Battle Droid: We're detecting unusually high levels of sass, sir!

General Grievous: KENOBI!!!!


Hello everyone. It's ya author! I hope that your year is going well, especially for us who have school and are struggling with Jobs, and COVID, and the wildfires and Hurricanes and everything 2020 has brought upon us. I have been working so long on this one chapter which is reaching almost 20,000 words, which is my biggest yet. I really hope you'll enjoy it. I keep saying that I'm going to publish it soon, but this time I'm being honest. It's almost done and I can't wait for it be released to you! Have a wonderful life everyone!!!!!!


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