Chapter 3

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"Okay. I'm pleased that you were all intelligent enough to make it here on time. Now, you and your teammates will be led to one of the stations in this field and at every fifteen minutes, there will be a rotation between the teams and you will change station. Am I clear?" The teacher yelled at us and we all responded affirmatively at the same time.

Chris, PJ, Marx and me were led toward one of the defence station. There was a table full of armours of different materials and of different weigh.

We tried the four types of armours one by one to see which one fitted us most as a camera photographed us in them.

The teacher came to see us as we were trying on the third model of armour. It was a very light one in leather made for someone who would run a lot. He went near PJ and looked at him up and down, before nodding and going near Marx.

"You look ridiculous in that. Take it off right now." The teacher said before going to another station.

"Well, at least he was direct. You are now pretty much sure that you won't run a lot." I said, trying to cheer him up.

He gave me a small smile as he took the armour off. He went toward the last armour which was the heaviest one of all four and it was made in metal with only a little bit of leather. He put it on and looked at himself in the mirror near the camera.

Chris took the second armour we tried on, which was heavy but lighter and with more leather than the one Marx had chosen.

I took the armour similar to the one PJ had took. It had the same weight but had more metal on it.

As we went in front of the camera for the last time, the alarm signalling the team rotation went off. The camera flashed the photograph just as the teacher spoke.

"Everyone, you can take the weapons with you if it was the one you choose. If you were trying defence equipment, then I demand you to take it off and let it there. You will all have personalised equipment sent to your rooms through the next week." He finished yelling as we started to undo the armours and left them on the table were we found them.

We were then led to an attack station. There were many kinds of guns disposed on the table with their gun holder and someone was placing new guns were there were some missing. An hologram of the teacher appeared and talked.

"In this station, you have to choose at least one gun of the ones on the table. You will be able to shoot with it in the designed area with blank bullets. You will be able to start as soon as all the guns are rightfully placed on the table." It said before vanishing.

The person finished placing the guns and nodded at us, before going away in a small tent. I looked over the 'designed area' where we will practice shooting. It was two targets placed on a kind of railing which would make it go at the distance that we choose.

I looked at the guns and immediately went toward the smaller ones with PJ, while Chris and Marx looked at the bigger ones.

I took up one of the small guns and felt his barrel and his handle with my hands. It had a longer barrel, but the handle was kind of flat-ish and it could easily be mistaken for a metallic bit of belt if I placed it in a certain way. I attached the gun holder on my thigh and on my belt, before I placed the gun in it. I turned toward PJ.

"What do you think?" I asked him before spinning around.

"It's great. What about me?" He asked as he showed me the small gun he choose and its gun holder.

"Isn't too small? It won't fit on your thigh." I said as I examined the gun holder.

"It's because it doesn't go around my thigh. Look." He said as he bent down.

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