Blast From The Past

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Massimo fell backwards and I didn't wait. I pounced on him and grabbed his shoulders, lifting them up to slam them back down harshly on the mat. I heard the air leave from his lungs and raised my arm again to punch him. I only managed to get two good ones in before he grabbed my wrists and flipped us over.

"Listen to me!"


Fuck that.

Fuck him.

My knee came up between his legs and I felt it make contact with his groin. The action made him let go of me and roll off to the side, clutching between his legs.

I saw nothing but red as I scrambled to my feet and kicked his ribs. He lied to me.

"You fucking bastard!" I ground out between clenched teeth and kicked his ribs again.

I wanted to break them. To see if I could hear an audible sound of the bone breaking under the impact. I wanted to hurt him.

He grabbed my ankle and tugged, causing me to fall down and I started to pull myself away from him, kicking at whatever I could make contact with.

Letting out a loud growl, he grabbed my leg and pulled me until I was under his body once again and grabbed my wrists to hold above my head. His body laid flat on my own, my legs straddling his waist.

"Will you just listen to me?!" Massimo yelled in my face.

I rocked us from side to side, trying to gain enough momentum to roll us over and shook my head.

"You're a fucking liar! I don't want to listen to ANYTHING you have to say!"

"I wasn't lying!"

I growled at him and thrashed against his hold, trying to free my wrists, buck his body off of mine, anything. He wasn't moving and I refused to stop, but soon my body began to grow tired and I halted all movement. Keeping my head to the side I panted loudly, clenching my eyes closed.

"If I get off you and let you up, will you at least listen to me or are you going to keep trying to beat me up?"

"I think you just need to fucking leave because if you don't, I'm going to kill you."

"No," Massimo paused, getting off my body quickly to move in front of the door. "you're going to stay and you're going to listen to me, Cosmina."

I stayed on the ground, trying to calm myself down, even just a little bit, and ran my hands over my face. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to cry. I wasn't going to cry.

But that's all I wanted to do in that moment.

I actually believed that Massimo had no clue about anything, only to discover that he knew all along.

"Please, just listen."

I was still livid still and he wanted me to listen to him? He allowed for the only person to ever care for me, to love me be taken and used as some sort of pawn in a twisted chess game.

"No." I stated simply and stood from the floor, flexing my hands.

"Cosmina just let me explain."

I shook my head, not trusting my voice.

The look on his face was nothing but defeat.

Did he honestly expect me to just... accept what he just told me as if it were nothing? That I would stand there and listen to anything more he needed to express?

"Your father would be ashamed of you." I whispered.

Massimos face was one of shock and I moved closer to him, pushing him to the side so that I could leave. He allowed me to, still too stunned to stop me.

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